Pictures of
Stanley L. Jaki

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The Jaki Family
Stanley Jaki in Seminary
Stanley Jaki in Hungary
Stanley Jaki in the United States
Stanley Jaki abroad
Honors to Stanley Jaki
The final days of Stanley Jaki in Madrid, Spain
Stanley Jaki’s Funeral – Pannonhalma (Hungary) – 29 April 2009

New Hope, KY – Putting in order Father Jaki Papers
Rome – 2010 – 13 April
Madrid – 2011 – 11-13 July
Rome – 2014 – 14-19 July
Mexico – 2015 – 18-21 March
Seton Hall – 2015 – 14-15 April
Bowie – 2016 – 14 September
Rome – 2019 – 15 March
Rome – 2019 – 4-5 April
São Paulo – 2019 – 26 September
Győr – 2019 – 10 December
Győr – 2024 – 9-10 February
Seton Hall – 2024 – 24 April
Madrid – 2024 – 25-26 October

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The Jaki Family

Father Jaki’s parents on their marriage dayFather Jaki’s parents on their marriage day
Father Jaki as a baby (1925)Father Jaki as a baby (1925)
The Jaki family. From left, Teodoz, Mother, Erszike, Etuska, Zeno, Father, Stanley. Etuska died in 1942. Erszike married and survived all her brothers.The Jaki family. From left, Teodoz, Mother, Erszike, Etuska, Zeno, Father, Stanley. Etuska died in 1942. Erszike married and survived all her brothers.
Thirties – Father Jaki as a teenagerThirties – Father Jaki as a teenager
Father Jaki as a boy Scout (1938)Father Jaki as a boy Scout (1938)
Father Jaki as a boy Scout (1940)Father Jaki as a boy Scout (1940)
Father Jaki’s mother at the tomb of her daughter EtuskaFather Jaki’s mother at the tomb of her daughter Etuska

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Stanley Jaki in Seminary

Stanley Jaki as a seminarian – Early FortiesStanley Jaki as a seminarian – Early Forties. This picture was used for the Special Issue of the St Austin Review (StAR) of May June 2014
The three Jaki brothers as seminarians. From the left, Stanley, Zeno, Teodoz.The three Jaki brothers as seminarians. From the left, Stanley, Zeno, Teodoz.
Stanley Jaki (second from the left) in Italy in 1948. Probably at the time of his ordination.Stanley Jaki (second from the left) in Italy in 1948. Probably at the time of his ordination.
Papal Blessing for the ordination (1948)Papal Blessing for the ordination (1948)
>Papal Blessing for the ordination (1948) – DetailPapal Blessing for the ordination (1948) – Detail

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Stanley Jaki in Hungary

Sixties – The three Jaki brothers with their mother. Father Jaki could return to Hungary only in 1964, as an USA citizen.Sixties – The three Jaki brothers with their mother. Father Jaki could return to Hungary only in 1964, as an USA citizen.
Seventies – Hungary – The three Jaki brothersSeventies – Hungary – The three Jaki brothers
1987 – Győr – Hungary – The Jaki family1987 – Győr – Hungary – The Jaki family. With the three brothers and the surviving sister is their mother and a number of relatives.

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Stanley Jaki in the United States

1958 – Portola Valley, CA – The Benedictines of the Woodside Priory School1958 – Portola Valley, CA – The Benedictines of the Woodside Priory School. Their site today may be found here. Father Jaki published a booklet in occasion of the Jubilee of the School, titled Fifty Years of Learning.
1966 – Invitation from Robert Oppenheimer to join the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies1966 – Invitation from Robert Oppenheimer to join the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies
1969 – With a copy of <I>The Paradox of Olbers' Paradox1969 – With a copy of The Paradox of Olbers' Paradox
1971 – Seton Hall, NJ – With John Bernard Duff and Paul Urso1971 – Seton Hall, NJ – with John Bernard Duff and Paul Urso
1978 – Seton Hall, NJ – Preparing for an intervieww1978 – Seton Hall, NJ – Preparing for an interview
Father Jaki “went electronic” in 1990. He learned the WordPerfect editor, and used it from then onward. Most of the electronic versions of his works are written using WordPerfect.Father Jaki “went electronic” in 1990. He learned the WordPerfect editor, and used it from then onward. Most of the electronic versions of his works are written using WordPerfect. This document is about his first becoming familiar with WordPerfect.
>2004 – Lawrenceville, NJ – Father Jaki at home2004 – Lawrenceville, NJ – Father Jaki at home, near an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in the place in which he used to say Mass in the early morning. No matter to say, the flat was full of books.
2007 – Princeton, NJ – With Antonio Colombo – Picture taken by the store owner, when buying a new camera2007 – Princeton, NJ – with Antonio Colombo – Picture taken by the store owner, when buying a new camera
2007 – New Hope, KY – The “classic” image of Father Jaki, taken during a visit to the Real View Book printing shop2007 – New Hope, KY – The “classic” image of Father Jaki, taken during a visit to the Real View Book printing shop
2007 – New Hope, KY – During a meeting with Dennis Musk, Patty Palmer, and Antonio Colombo, discussing the future of Real View Books. The proposed change took place in November 2007.2007 – New Hope, KY – During a meeting with Dennis Musk, Patty Palmer, and Antonio Colombo, discussing the future of Real View Books. The proposed change took place in November 2007.
2007 – Hodgenville, KY – in a Lincoln site, with Antonio Colombo and Becky Mayhew2007 – Hodgenville, KY – in a Lincoln site, with Antonio Colombo and Becky Mayhew
2007 – Princeton, NJ – With Sara and Beniamino Danese, inside the Firestone Library, one of the main libraries in the Princeton University.2007 – Princeton, NJ – With Sara and Beniamino Danese, inside the Firestone Library, one of the main libraries in the Princeton University.
Text of Chesterton used by Father Jaki to send his Christmas WishesText of Chesterton used by Father Jaki to send his Christmas Wishes
2007 – The text of Sigrid Undset used by Father Jaki for the Christmas greetings2007 – The text of Sigrid Undset used by Father Jaki for the Christmas greetings in 2007
2008 – Lawrenceville, KY – Father Jaki in his flat, in working position2008 – Lawrenceville, KY – Father Jaki in his flat, in working position

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Stanley Jaki abroad

1970 – Bremen  – Germany – Official speech for the Jubilee of the Olbers Society1970 – Bremen – Germany – Official speech for the Jubilee of the Olbers Society. An article on the subject from the local newspaper may be found here.
1978 – Athens – Greece – With Peter Hodgson1978 – Athens – Greece – with Peter Hodgson
1980 – Bordeaux – France – Dedication of a plaque in Rue Pierre Duhem, on the wall of the house Duhem lived in1980 – Bordeaux – France – Dedication of a plaque in Rue Pierre Duhem, on the wall of the house Duhem lived in
Detail of the plaque1980 – Bordeaux – France – Detail of the plaque – the inscription reads: Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) – Physicien – Historein des Science – Habita dans cette maison de 1894 a 1916.
The above plaque today – Courtesy of Google Street ViewThe above plaque today – Courtesy of Google Street View
1988 – Rimini, Italy – Round Table at the Rimini Meeting for Friendship among People1988 – Rimini, Italy – Round Table at the Rimini Meeting for Friendship Among People
1990 – Rome – Italy – Picture at the end of the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences1990 – Rome – Italy – Picture at the end of the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
Nineties – Rome – Father Jaki and Cardinal RatzingerNineties – Rome – Father Jaki and Cardinal Ratzinger
1999 – Lago Maggiore – Italy – With Antonio Colombo, the very first day they met1999 – Lago Maggiore – Italy – With Antonio Colombo, the very first day they met
2004 – Rome – Italy – Picture at the end of the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences2004 – Rome – Italy – Picture at the end of the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
With Pope John  Paul II, at the audience to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences2004 – Rome – With Pope John Paul II, at the audience to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
2006 – Ossuccio (Lake of Como) – With friends Gabriella and Gabriele Basilico2006 – Ossuccio (Lake of Como) – With friends Gabriella and Gabriele Basilico. Father Jaki met Gabriella when he participated in 1988 to the Rimini Meeting for Friendship Among People
2006 – Rome – at the Ara Coeli church, with Beniamino Danese2006 – Rome – at the Ara Coeli church, with Beniamino Danese
2006 – Rome – Being interviewed in the context of a Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences2006 – Rome – Being interviewed in the context of a Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
With Pope Benedict XVI, at the audience to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences2006 – Rome – With Pope Benedict XVI, at the audience to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
2006 – Rome – With Magdalen Ross and Beniamino Danese2006 – Rome – With Magdalen Ross and Beniamino Danese
2007 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso Ballaro2007 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso Ballaro
2007 – Madrid – With Julio Gonzalo2007 – Madrid – With Julio Gonzalo
2007 – Madrid with the Guerra Menéndez family2007 – Madrid with the Guerra Menéndez family
2007 – Varese, Italy – Being interviewed by Miria Grossi for Radio Missione Francescana2007 – Varese, Italy – Being interviewed by Miria Grossi for Radio Missione Francescana, a local radio.
2007 – Verona, Italy – With Giovanni Zenone, Director of the Fede & Cultura Catholic publishing house2007 – Verona, Italy – With Giovanni Zenone, Director of the Fede & Cultura Catholic publishing house
2007 – Verona, Italy – With the whole Zenone family2007 – Verona, Italy – With the whole Zenone family
2007 – Verona, Italy – With the Danese family2007 – Verona, Italy – With the Danese family
2008 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – At the Santa Caterina del Sasso hermitage2008 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – At the Santa Caterina del Sasso hermitage, The Church of the hermitage can be seen in the background.
2008 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – At the Santa Caterina del Sasso hermitage, overlooking the lake2008 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – At the Santa Caterina del Sasso hermitage, overlooking the lake
2008 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – At the Santa Caterina del Sasso hermitage, with members of the local Benedictine community2008 – Lake Maggiore, Italy – At the Santa Caterina del Sasso hermitage, with members of the local Benedictine community
2008 – Rome – At the Trevi Fountain, with LLucía Guerra Menéndez, Antonio Colombo, and Beniamino Danese, the initial nucleus of the “Stanley Brigade”2008 – Rome – At the Trevi Fountain, with Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Antonio Colombo, and Beniamino Danese, the initial nucleus of the “Stanley Brigade”
2008 – Vatican City – During a Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. In the background Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Beniamino Danese.2008 – Vatican City – During a Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. In the background Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Beniamino Danese.
2008 – Rome – With Lucía Guerra Menéndez2008 – Rome – With Lucía Guerra Menéndez
2008 – Varese, Italy – With the Megna family2008 – Varese, Italy – With the Megna family
Autograph of Father Jaki with the text of a prayer found in an Italian Church200x – Italy – Autograph of Father Jaki with the text of a prayer found in an Italian Church.

The text in Italian is:
Preghiera / Una candela da sola / non prega / ma tu Signore, / fa' che questa candela / sia luce / perché Tu mi illumini / nelle mie difficoltà / e nelle mie indecisioni. / Sia fuoco / perché bruci in me / tutto l’orgoglio / e l’egoismo! / Signore, non posso / restare molto in chiesa: / nel lasciar ardere / questa candela / è un po' di me stesso / che voglio donarTi. / Aiutami a prolungare / la preghiera / nelle attività / di questo giorno! / Amen.

An English version is:
Prayer / A candle alone / does not pray / but you Lord, / let this candle / be light / so that You enlighten me / in my difficulties / and in my indecisions! / Let it be fire / so that it burns / in me my own pride / and selfishness! / Lord, I cannot stay long in this church: / but as this candle burns, / it is a bit of myself / that I want to give You. / Help me to prolong / the prayer / in the activities / of this day! / Amen.

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Honors to Stanley Jaki

A more comprehensive (but still incomplete) list of honors attributed to Father Jaki may be found here.

In 1970 Stanly Jaki received the Lecomte du Nouy prize. Here is the invitation to the event.In 1970 Stanly Jaki received the Lecomte du Nouy prize.
Here is the invitation to the event.
The text of the speech he gave then may be found here.
This is the medal associated with the Lecomte du Nouy Prize. The <I>recto</I> reads LECOMTE DU NOÜY. The <I>verso</I> reads CONSCIENCE.This is the medal associated with the Lecomte du Nouy Prize.
The recto reads LECOMTE DU NOÜY.
The verso reads CONSCIENCE.
This is another gadget associated with the Lecomte du Nouy PrizeThis is another gadget associated with the Lecomte du Nouy Prize
1987 – London – Stanley Jaki accepting the Templeton Prize1987 – London – Stanley Jaki accepting the Templeton Prize.
The text of his speech may be found here.
Prince Philip gives the 1987 Templeton Prize to Stanley JakiPrince Philip gives the 1987 Templeton Prize to Stanley Jaki. In the background Mr and Mrs John Templeton.
description-of-1987-london-stanley-jaki-chatting-with-prince-philipStanley Jaki chatting with Prince Philip
The medal that comes with the Templeton PrizeThe medal that comes with the Templeton Prize
The booklet with the speeches made at the 1987 Templeton Prize.The booklet with the speeches made at the 1987 Templeton Prize.
1988 – Manchester, NH – Laurea honoris causa from the Saint Anselm College1988 – Manchester, NH – Laurea honoris causa from the Saint Anselm College
1989 – Milwaukee, WI – Laurea honoris causa from the Marquette University1989 – Milwaukee, WI – Laurea honoris causa from the Marquette University
1990 – Rome – Italy – Admission to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences1990 – Rome – Italy – Admission to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences
1990 – The Medal of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences1990 – The Medal of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

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The final days of Stanley Jaki in Madrid, Spain – 2009

No picture was taken of Father Jaki after (or right before) he died.
The pictures here are about some of the people who were present at his deathbed during his last days.

2009 – Madrid – Clinica de la Concepcion. Here Father Jaki was recovered during the last couple of weeks of his life, and died on 7 April 2009, the Good Tuesday.2009 – Madrid – Clinica de la Concepcion. Here Father Jaki was recovered during the last couple of weeks of his life, and died on 7 April 2009 around 1:15PM (local time), the Good Tuesday.
Some of the people that were in Madrid to assist Father Jaki: in background Becky Mayhew, Maria B. Raunio, Lucía Guerra Menéndez; in foreground Beniamino Danese and Antonio ColomboSome of the people that were in Madrid to assist Father Jaki: in background Becky Mayhew, Maria B. Raunio, Lucía Guerra Menéndez; in foreground Beniamino Danese and Antonio Colombo.
Except for Maria, who had to go back to Hungary, the other four were present when Father Jaki died.

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Stanley Jaki’s Funeral – Pannonhalma (Hungary) – 29 April 2009

2009 – Italy – Father Jaki’s Memorial Card in English2009 – Italy – Father Jaki’s Memorial Card in English
2009 – Italy – Father Jaki’s Memorial Card in Hungarian2009 – Italy – Father Jaki’s Memorial Card in Hungarian
2009 – Italy – Father Jaki’s Memorial Card in Latin2009 – Italy – Father Jaki’s Memorial Card in Latin
2009 – Budapest – Fr Teodóz Jáki, Maria B. Raunio and the niece of Father Jaki welcome Antonio Colombo at the Airport2009 – Budapest – Fr Teodóz Jáki, Maria B. Raunio and the niece of Father Jaki welcome Antonio Colombo at the Airport. The coffin with Father Jaki arrived in Hungary the week after Easter, but the funeral could not be celebrated until 29 April, so Antonio Colombo remained in Hungary – guest of Maria and Gergely Bogányi – to prepare it adequately. A Mass for Father Jaki was said at the Budapest University before the actual funeral.
2009 – Zebegény, Hungary – Beniamino Danese, Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Gergely Bogányi2009 – Zebegény, Hungary – Beniamino Danese, Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Gergely Bogányi
2009 – Budapest – People arriving in view of the funeral – John Beaumont2009 – Budapest – People arriving in view of the funeral – John Beaumont (UK)
2009 – Budapest – Stanley Jaki Funeral announcement – Recto2009 – Budapest – Stanley Jaki Funeral announcement – Recto
2009 – Budapest – Stanley Jaki Funeral announcement – Verso2009 – Budapest – Stanley Jaki Funeral announcement – Verso. The text is the Hungarian translation of the Pontifical Academy announce. The original may be found here, and the Hungarian translation here.
2009 – The day before the funeral, near the Balaton Lake – Gergely Bogányi (HU), Antonio Colombo and Beniamino Danese (IT), John Beaumont (UK), Becky Mayhew (USA)2009 – The day before the funeral, near the Balaton Lake – Gergely Bogányi (HU), Antonio Colombo and Beniamino Danese (IT), John Beaumont (UK), Becky Mayhew (USA)
2009 – Pannonhalma Archabbacy – Fr Teodóz Jáki greets friends arriving for the funeral2009 – Pannonhalma Archabbacy – Fr Teodóz Jáki greets friends arriving for the funeral
Father Jaki’s coffin in front of the altarFather Jaki’s coffin in front of the altar
The flowers from the Stanley BrigadeThe flowers from the Stanley Brigade
People attending the funeralPeople attending the funeral
Detail of the previous pictureDetail of the previous picture. In the first row Sylvester Vizi, former President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Antonio Colombo and Becky Mayhew
People attending the funeralPeople attending the funeral. The Bogányi family, Lucía Guerra Menéndez and John Beaumont.
Fr Teodóz Jáki and Fr Zénó Jáki (brothers of Fr Jaki) concelebrating the funeralFr Teodóz Jáki and Fr Zénó Jáki (brothers of Fr Jaki) concelebrating the funeral
Blessing of the coffinBlessing of the coffin
A view of the celebration from aboveA view of the celebration from above
During the consecrationDuring the consecration
During the consecrationDuring the consecration
After the official commemoration by the Archabbot, a few words from Becky MayhewAfter the official commemoration by the Archabbot, a few words from Becky Mayhew. Gergely Bogányi translated them into Hungarian. Becky said:
“Lessons Learned from Father Jaki:
1. The lives of the saints teach us that life is a valley of tears, that we must offer up our suffering and move forward, in faith.
2. It is important to draw strength from laughter, friendship, beauty, and excellence.
3. Ora et labora. Pray and work.
4. Pray to St. Joseph, and trust in the mercy of God.
Today we leave Father Jaki in the merciful hands of God, and we ask, ‘St. Joseph, pray for us.’”
A few words from Antonio ColomboA few words from Antonio Colombo. Antonio said:
“It has been my privilege to be close to Father Stanley Jaki during the last ten years (he has been several times a guest of my family) and I have been close to him also during the last ten minutes of his life.
I witnessed his deep faith, his immense culture, and I have been honored by his friendship.
I feel that his contribution about the relation between science and religion has been exemplary.
Father Jaki loved to quote the statement of Saint Paul about the ‘reasonable worship’ we should offer to the Lord. His life has been an example of this ‘reasonable worship’.
Together with other friends, we will try to keep alive the memory of his life and of his works.”

(I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your reasonable worship. – Rom 12:1)
A few words from Gergely BogányiA few words from Gergely Bogányi. Gergely said:
“The first consequence of original sin, the fading of one’s sense of mind had only slightly affected Stanley Jaki. It is his unique and always clear approach to things that amazed his students, and the readers of his books. It is this quality of his that silenced all those who did not wish to take in his message.
In the field of science, religion and creation, he was an outstanding expert. Pope Benedict XVI thanked him personally for his tireless activity, which is one of the reasons why even his opposers cannot help but admit to his greatness.
As for us, it is our duty to deal with the legacy of this renowned scientist and saintly man accordingly.
I am very grateful to Bishop Abbey Asztrik Várszegi for making it possible for all three of us to speak, and for all of us to be able to say good-bye here in Pannonhalma as well.
Father Stanley, may the Lord give You eternal rest, and may perpetual light shine on You forever. Amen.”
The coffin being brought to the nearby Chapel of Our LadyThe coffin being brought to the nearby Chapel of Our Lady
Detail of the previous imageDetail of the previous image
Fr Jaki’s sister, niece and other relatives at the funeralFr Jaki’s sister, niece and other relatives at the funeral
Archabbot Asztrik Várszegi speaks before the inhumation in the crypt of the Chapel of Our LadyArchabbot Asztrik Várszegi speaks before the inhumation in the crypt of the Chapel of Our Lady
Archabbot Asztrik Várszegi speaking with Gergely Bogányi after the funeralArchabbot Asztrik Várszegi speaking with Gergely Bogányi after the funeral
Group of friends of Father Jaki after the funeralGroup of friends of Father Jaki after the funeral

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Keeping alive the memory of
Stanley L. Jaki

2009 – 2012 – New Hope, KY – Putting in order Father Jaki Papers

2009 – New Hope, KY – Father Jaki papers in the warehouse of the printing shop2009 – New Hope, KY – Father Jaki papers in the warehouse of the printing shop.
When Father Jaki died, the flat he lived in (Lawrenceville, NJ) had to be emptied. Francis Manion was in charge of the operation. All the books in the library of Father Jaki were sent to Seton Hall (some 70 boxes). All the papers and books/articles Father Jaki wrote, and the related documentation, were sent to the Real View Books publishing house (New Hope, KY) for further review (some 60 boxes). In September 2009, Antonio Colombo started going through the papers, with two aims: Finding the items with legal value (e.g. agreeement with publishers) – to be given to the Jaki Estate – and put together all the physical items (books, articles) that make up Stanley Jaki's Publications list.
View of the boxes containing Father Jaki papers, marked THE HOME DEPOTView of the boxes containing Father Jaki papers, the ones marked THE HOME DEPOT
View of the same boxes, from the opposite side. The chair marks the “workplace” used for the jobView of the same boxes, from the opposite side. The chair marks the “workplace” used for the job
The “workplace”.The “workplace”. The PC on the left is the one of Father Jaki. The one on the right is the one of Antonio Colombo. In the lower part of the desk can be seen some of the floppies Father Jaki used. They have been copied to disk (about 550 of them). Father Jaki, of course, was familiar with more modern hardware, but had to use the floppies to copy files to an old (MS-DOS) 386 PC, the only one on which he could see the text he was writing as it would have been printed at the printing shop (using a very old version of WordPerfect, and, of course, a very old laser printer). Most of what Father Jaki wrote from the year 1990 onward is available in electronic form.
The boxes containing (in chronological order) the books of Father JakiThe boxes containing (in chronological order) the books of Father Jaki
The set of boxes containing (in chronological order) all the books and essays written by Father JakiThe set of boxes containing (in chronological order) all the books and essays written by Father Jaki
2010 – New Hope, KY – After extracting books and essays written by Father Jaki, what remained was a lot of documentation, used to produce books, etc. Some of the material was the original one, e.g. pictures and publication of Pierre Duhem, used to write the books Father Jaki devoted to him.2010 – New Hope, KY – After extracting books and essays written by Father Jaki, what remained was a lot of documentation, used to produce books, etc. Some of the material was the original one, e.g. pictures and publication of Pierre Duhem, used to write the books Father Jaki devoted to him. The “Duhem” boxes are visible here.
Checking all the papers revealed a set of printouts of unpublished writings. They were set aside for further catalogation, about two boxes of them. They can be seen here. All the rest was sent to Seton Hall, including all the original material, all the papers used in preparation of books and talks, a lot of hardcopies of electronic mail.Checking all the papers revealed a set of printouts of unpublished writings. They were set aside for further catalogation, about two boxes of them. They can be seen here. All the rest was sent to Seton Hall, including all the original material, all the papers used in preparation of books and talks, a lot of hardcopies of electronic mail.
A view of part of the boxes of papers to be sent to Seton Hall UniversityA view of part of the boxes of papers to be sent to Seton Hall University
2012 – New Hope, KY – The boxes containing the printouts of Father Jaki’s unpublished papers2012 – New Hope, KY – The boxes containing the printouts of Father Jaki’s unpublished papers. In 2012 they have been reviewed and cataloged. The resulting inventory can be seen here.
Another view of the boxes containing Jaki’s worksAnother view of the boxes containing Jaki’s works. The box containing the floppies (after they were saved on harddisk is also visible, as well as a box containing letters from his family.
2015 – New Hope, KY – A meeting between Giovanni and Camilla Zenone and Dennis J. Musk, in which was planned the preparation of the e-book version of Father Jaki’s books2015 – New Hope, KY – A meeting between Giovanni and Camilla Zenone (Fede & Cultura) and Dennis J. Musk (Real View Books), in which was planned the preparation of the e-book version of Father Jaki’s books. The work is in progress.

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Rome – 2010 – Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
Commemorating first the anniversary of death of Stanley Jaki

Most of the speakers at the meeting. Also a subset of the Stanley Brigade.Most of the speakers at the meeting. Also a subset of the Stanley Brigade.
Another image of the group of the speakers, and of the Stanley BrigadeAnother image of the group of the speakers, and of the Stanley Brigade
Antonio Colombo, Father Teodóz Jáki and Father Rafael PascualAntonio Colombo, Father Teodóz Jáki and Father Rafael Pascual
Father Paul Haffner and Father Teodóz JákiFather Paul Haffner and Father Teodóz Jáki
John Beaumont and Jacques VauthierJohn Beaumont and Jacques Vauthier
Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Father Rafael PascualLucía Guerra Menéndez and Father Rafael Pascual
Father Paul Haffner’s presentationFather Paul Haffner’s presentation
Hrvoje ReljaHrvoje Relja, and a view of the people attending the meeting.
Magdalen RossMagdalen Ross
Father Teodóz Jáki and Magdalen Ross (yes they could speak in Hungarian!).Father Teodóz Jáki and Magdalen Ross (yes they could speak in Hungarian!).
H.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaks at the meetingH.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaks at the meeting
H.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaking with Father Teodóz JákiH.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaking with Father Teodóz Jáki
H.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaking with Jacques VauthierH.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaking with Jacques Vauthier
H.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaking with Lucía Guerra MenéndezH.E. Mgr. Marcelo Sanchéz Sorondo speaking with Lucía Guerra Menéndez
A view of the people attending the meetingA view of the people attending the meeting
Jacques Vauthier, Father Rafael Pascual and Magdalen RossJacques Vauthier, Father Rafael Pascual and Magdalen Ross
Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Mary-Frances Musk and Dennis MuskLucía Guerra Menéndez, Mary-Frances Musk and Dennis Musk
Father Teodóz Jáki, Maria B. Raunio and Lucía Guerra MenéndezFather Teodóz Jáki, Maria B. Raunio and Lucía Guerra Menéndez
Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Robert Moynihan (<I>Inside the Vatican</I>), his assistant Debbie Tomlinson and Dennis MuskLucía Guerra Menéndez, Robert Moynihan (Inside the Vatican), his assistant Debbie Tomlinson and Dennis Musk
Julio Gonzalo, John Beaumont and Jacques VauthierJulio Gonzalo, John Beaumont and Jacques Vauthier
Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Maria B. Raunio, Beniamino DaneseLucía Guerra Menéndez, Maria B. Raunio, Beniamino Danese
Lunch at a restaurant not far from Saint Peter SquareLunch at a restaurant not far from Saint Peter Square

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Madrid – 2011 – Summer Course at the San Pablo – CEU University
“Science and Faith in Stanley Jaki”

A view of the speakers and of some of the participantsA view of the speakers and of some of the participants
People preparing for the previous picturePeople preparing for the previous picture
The Grand Chancellor of the San Pablo CEU University Excmo. Carlos Romero Caramelo introduces the Summer Course. At his right, Father Rafael Pascual and Lucía Guerra Menéndez, two of the main organizers of the Course.The Grand Chancellor of the San Pablo CEU University Excmo. Carlos Romero Caramelo introduces the Summer Course. At his right, Father Rafael Pascual and Lucía Guerra Menéndez, two of the main organizers of the Course.
Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Father Rafael Pascual and Inma Castilla de Cortázar LarreaLucía Guerra Menéndez, Father Rafael Pascual and Inma Castilla de Cortázar Larrea
Father Manuel Carreira and Julio GonzaloFather Manuel Carreira and Julio Gonzalo
Jacques Vauthier and Javier Pérez CastellsJacques Vauthier and Javier Pérez Castells
Jesús Nieto and Father Leopoldo PrietoJesús Nieto and Father Leopoldo Prieto
Beniamino Danese and Julio GonzaloBeniamino Danese and Julio Gonzalo
Angelo Bottone, José Juan Escandell Cucarella and Julio GonzaloAngelo Bottone, José Juan Escandell Cucarella and Julio Gonzalo
Antonio Colombo speaking about Jaki and Chesterton. The book shown prompted Father Jaki to write the book <I>Chesterton: A Seer of Science</I>Antonio Colombo speaking about Jaki and Chesterton. The book shown prompted Father Jaki to write the book Chesterton: A Seer of Science. The book itself is Martin Gardner’s Great Essays in Science and contains part of a chapter of Chesterton’s Orthodoxy
Angelo BottoneAngelo Bottone
Father Rafael Pascual, Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Father Paul HaffnerFather Rafael Pascual, Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Father Paul Haffner
Father Rafael Pascual, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Father Paul Haffner, Antonio Colombo and John BeaumontFather Rafael Pascual, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Father Paul Haffner, Antonio Colombo and John Beaumont
David Santos, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Father Rafael Pascual, Carlos Romero Caramelo, Father Paul Haffner, Father Leopoldo PrietoDavid Santos, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Father Rafael Pascual, Carlos Romero Caramelo, Father Paul Haffner, Father Leopoldo Prieto
A group of participants at a local restaurantA group of participants at a local restaurant
A group of participants near the Prado MuseumA group of participants near the Prado Museum

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Rome – 2014 – Summer Course at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum
“Il rapporto scienza e fede alla luce del pensiero di S.L. Jaki”

A group of speakers and participants at the end of the Summer CourseA group of speakers and participants at the end of the Summer Course
Another picture of a group of participants and speakersAnother picture of a group of participants and speakers
A view of the room in which the Summer Course was heldA view of the room in which the Summer Course was held
Antonio Colombo outlines the life of Father JakiAntonio Colombo outlines the life of Father Jaki
Hrvoje HreljaHrvoje Hrelja
Julio GonzaloJulio Gonzalo
Two of the participants, Graziella and Annalisa ZinnTwo of the participants, Graziella and Annalisa Zinn
Picture of participants, during the excursion to Santa Maria degli Angeli, to see the meridian linePicture of participants, during the excursion to Santa Maria degli Angeli, to see the meridian line
Father Gianfranco BerbenniFather Gianfranco Berbenni
Lucía Guerra Menéndez and Beniamino DaneseLucía Guerra Menéndez and Beniamino Danese. The model on the desk in front of Beniamino (he built it) demonstrates one of the technological advances of the Middle Ages, the transformation of circular motion in alternate motion, which made possible to have tower clocks.
Alessandro GiostraAlessandro Giostra

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Mexico – 2015

Group picture of the speakers at the International ConferenceGroup picture of the speakers at the International Conference
Folder containing the documentation used during the International ConferenceFolder containing the documentation used during the International Conference
Antonio Colombo outlines the life of Father Stanley JakiAntonio Colombo outlines the life of Father Stanley Jaki. The text used there may be found here.
Adolfo Orozco Torres (Chairman of the Conference) and Antonio ColomboAdolfo Orozco Torres (Chairman of the Conference) and Antonio Colombo
Héctor Velázquez FernándezHéctor Velázquez Fernández
A view of the people attending the ConferenceA view of the people attending the Conference
A view of the people attending the Conference. In foreground Alessandro Giostra, William Carroll and Rafael Vicuña.A view of the people attending the Conference. In foreground Alessandro Giostra, William Carroll and Rafael Vicuña.
Father Rafael PascualFather Rafael Pascual
Julio GonzaloJulio Gonzalo
Pietro RamelliniPietro Ramellini
Rafael VicuñaRafael Vicuña
William CarrollWilliam Carroll
Father Alberto CarraraFather Alberto Carrara
Group picture taken during a gorgeous lunch offered by the Agazzi family during the Conference.Group picture taken during a gorgeous lunch offered by the Agazzi family during the Conference.
During the above mentioned lunch, a local band played traditional Mexican songsDuring the above mentioned lunch, a local band played traditional Mexican songs
Our host, Evandro Agazzi (he and his wife Lourdes Velázquez González were between the speakers at the Conference)Our host, Evandro Agazzi (he and his wife Lourdes Velázquez González were between the speakers at the Conference)
Rafael Vicuña and Father Rafael PascualRafael Vicuña and Father Rafael Pascual
Lucía Guerra MenéndezLucía Guerra Menéndez
Martha Tarasco Michel, Lourdes Velázquez González and Father Rafael PascualMartha Tarasco Michel, Lourdes Velázquez González and Father Rafael Pascual
Martha Tarasco MichelMartha Tarasco Michel
Father Pedro BarrajónFather Pedro Barrajón
A view of the people attending the ConferenceA view of the people attending the Conference
William CarrollWilliam Carroll
Adolfo Orozco TorresAdolfo Orozco Torres
Adolfo Orozco Torres and Evandro AgazziAdolfo Orozco Torres and Evandro Agazzi
Alessandro GiostraAlessandro Giostra
Olivia Eugenia Núñez Orellana, Adolfo Orozco Torres, Nora Ricalde Arancón and Father Rafael Pascual, the main organizers of the ConferenceOlivia Eugenia Núñez Orellana, Adolfo Orozco Torres, Nora Ricalde Arancón and Father Rafael Pascual, the main organizers of the Conference
Visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of GuadalupeVisit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Group picture inside the Basilica of Our Lady of GuadalupeGroup picture inside the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, after the Holy Mass celebrated by Father Rafael Pascual.
Group picture taken during the visit to the Frida Kahlo house-museumGroup picture taken during the visit to the Frida Kahlo house-museum

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Seton Hall – 2015

Peter FlorianiPeter Floriani
Stacy TrasancosStacy Trasancos
Jaki memorabilia at the Seton Hall University. Stacy Trasancos, Mary-Frances Musk and Dennis MuskJaki memorabilia at the Seton Hall University. Stacy Trasancos, Mary-Frances Musk and Dennis Musk
Jaki memorabilia at the Seton Hall University. Stacy Trasancos, Antonio Colombo, Magdalen Ross, Dennis Musk and Mary-Frances Musk.Jaki memorabilia at the Seton Hall University. Stacy Trasancos, Antonio Colombo, Magdalen Ross, Dennis Musk and Mary-Frances Musk.
Jose Lopez and Francis ManionJose Lopez and Francis Manion
Father Joseph LaracyFather Joseph Laracy
Antonio Colombo and Gloria Garafulich-Grabois, of the G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & CultureAntonio Colombo and Gloria Garafulich-Grabois, of the G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture of Seton Hall
Greetings from the Academic AuthorityGreetings from the Academic Authority
Ines MurzakuInes Murzaku

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Bowie (MA) – Commemoration of the centennial of the death of Pierre Duhem

2016 – Bowie, MA – Antonio Colombo during the Duhem Centennial Conference (September 14).2016 – Bowie, MA – Antonio Colombo during the Duhem Centennial Conference (September 14).
2016 – Bowie, MA – Antonio Colombo during the Duhem Centennial Conference (September 14).2016 – Bowie, MA – Antonio Colombo during the Duhem Centennial Conference (September 14).
A curious picture of the organizer of the Duhem Centennial Conference and President of CAS+E Francis J. KellyA curious picture of the organizer of the Duhem Centennial Conference and President of CAS+E Francis J. Kelly. He is recovering a copy of The Washington Post that ended up on the roof of his garage.

Rome – 15 March 2019 – Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the passing of Fr Stanley L. Jaki OSB

Fr Joseph R. Laracy (Seton Hall University) delivering the homily, during the Holy Mass for the tenth anniversary of the passing of Fr Stanley L. Jaki.Fr Joseph R. Laracy (Seton Hall University) delivering the homily, during the Holy Mass for the tenth anniversary of the passing of Fr Stanley L. Jaki.
All the concelebrants at the consacration, during the Holy Mass for the tenth anniversary of the passing of Fr Stanley L. Jaki.All the concelebrants at the consacration, during the Holy Mass for the tenth anniversary of the passing of Fr Stanley L. Jaki.
Fr Paul Haffner (Gregorian University and Seton Hall University) during his speech. At his side Ines. A. Murzaku (Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Director of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University) who introduced the ceremony remembering the legacy of Fr Jaki at Seton Hall.Fr Paul Haffner (Gregorian University and Seton Hall University) during his speech. At his side Ines. A. Murzaku (Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Director of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University) who introduced the ceremony remembering the legacy of Fr Jaki at Seton Hall. The text of Fr Haffner’s speech may be downloaded here.

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Rome – 4-5 April 2019 – The legacy of Fr Stanley L. Jaki, ten years after his death.

Fr Rafael Pascual introduces the Academic Vice-Chancellor of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Fr José Enrique Oyarzún, LC.Fr Rafael Pascual introduces the Academic Vice-Chancellor of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Fr José Enrique Oyarzún, LC, representing the Chancellor, Jesús Villagrasa, LC. Fr Oyarzún greeted the participants and opened the Conference.
Fr Rafael Pascual in his introductory speech detailed the long and important collaboration between the Athenaeum and Fr Stanley Jaki.Fr Rafael Pascual in his introductory speech detailed the long and important collaboration between the Athenaeum and Fr Stanley Jaki.
A view of the participants.A view of the participants.
A view of the participants.A view of the participants.
A view of the participants.A view of the participants.
Books of Fr Jaki available in the back of the room.Books of Fr Jaki available in the back of the room.
Books of Fr Jaki available in the back of the room.Books of Fr Jaki available in the back of the room.
Antonio Colombo’s speech about The Limits of a Limitless Science.Antonio Colombo’s speech about Fr Jaki’s essay collection The Limits of a Limitless Science.
Neal Doran showing the book The Road of Science and the Ways to God that is dealt with in his intervention.Neal Doran showing the book The Road of Science and the Ways to God that is dealt with in his intervention.
Neal Doran during his talk.Neal Doran during his talk.
Lucía Guerra Menéndez during his intervention about Anthropological Foundations of Bioetichs.Lucía Guerra Menéndez during his intervention about Anthropological Foundations of Bioetichs.
Raquel Guerra during his talk about The Drama of Guadalupe.Raquel Guerra during his talk about The Drama of Guadalupe.
Fr Paul Abim asking a question.Fr Paul Abim asking a question.
Question time at the end of the morning talks.Question time at the end of the morning talks.
Neal and Priscilla Doran speaking with Fr Paul Abim.Neal and Priscilla Doran speaking with Fr Paul Abim.
Mary-Frances and Dennis Musk (Real View Book).Mary-Frances and Dennis Musk (Real View Book).
Don Hrvoje Relja, at the beginning of his presentation about The epistemological conception of miracles in the thought of Fr Jaki.Don Hrvoje Relja, at the beginning of his presentation about The epistemological conception of miracles in the thought of Fr Jaki.
Don Hrvoje Relja during his talk.Don Hrvoje Relja during his talk.
Riccardo Pozzo at the beginning of his presentation about Jaki and young Kant.Riccardo Pozzo at the beginning of his presentation about Jaki and young Kant.
Riccardo Pozzo during his talk.Riccardo Pozzo, showing the English translation, by Fr Stanley Jaki, of Kant’s work Universal Natural History adn Theory of the Heavens.
Riccardo Pozzo during his talk.Riccardo Pozzo during his talk.
Alessandro Giostra during his presentation about Stanley Jaki and Medieval Islamic Cosmology.Alessandro Giostra during his presentation about Stanley Jaki and Medieval Islamic Cosmology.
During Alessandro Giostra’s talk, a slide about the Medieval origin of the Inertial Principle.During Alessandro Giostra’s talk, a slide about the Medieval origin of the Inertial Principle.
The first slide of Costantino Sigismondi’s presentation about The Christian Matrix of Scientific Revolutions.The first slide of Costantino Sigismondi’s presentation about The Christian Matrix of Scientific Revolutions.
Costantino Sigismondi during his talk.Costantino Sigismondi during his talk.
From Costantino Sigismondi’s presentation, the slide about science as the new religion.From Costantino Sigismondi’s presentation, the slide about science as the new religion.
Fr Rafael Pascual and don Hrvoje Relja celebrating the Holy Mass before the beginning of the second day of the Conference.Fr Rafael Pascual and don Hrvoje Relja celebrating the Holy Mass before the beginning of the second day of the Conference.
Fr Rafael Pascual at the beginning of his presentation about 'What God Separated'. The model of science-faith relation in the thought of Fr Jaki.Fr Rafael Pascual at the beginning of his presentation about 'What God Separated'. The model of science-faith relation in the thought of Fr Jaki.
Fr Rafael Pascual during his talk.Fr Rafael Pascual during his talk.
John Beaumont during his presentation about Fr Jaki and Converts to the Church.John Beaumont during his presentation about Fr Jaki and Converts to the Church.
Fernando Di Mieri at the beginning of his presentation about Creation and the Cosmic Singularity.Fernando Di Mieri at the beginning of his presentation about Creation and the Cosmic Singularity.
Fernando Di Mieri during his talk.Fernando Di Mieri during his talk.
Julio Gonzalo during his presentation about Recent Gravitational Waves favor a single finite Universe as required in Fr Jaki’s books.Julio Gonzalo during his presentation about Recent Gravitational Waves favor a single finite Universe as required in Fr Jaki’s books.
From the talk of Julio Gonzalo, the slide about the determination of the total mass of the Universe.From the talk of Julio Gonzalo, the slide about the determination of the total mass of the Universe.
Picture at the end of the Conference.Picture at the end of the Conference. Raquel Guerra, Julio Gonzalo, Beniamino Danese, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, John Beaumont, Antonio Colombo, Mary-Frances Musk, Dennis Musk, Neal Doran, Fernando Di Mieri, Fr Rafael Pascual.
Another picture at the end of the Conference.Another picture at the end of the Conference. Beniamino Danese, Neal Doran, Mary-Frances Musk, Fernando Di Mieri, Dennis Musk, Priscilla Doran, John Beaumont, Antonio Colombo, Fr Rafael Pascual, Dianne Beaumont, Raquel Guerra, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Julio Gonzalo.
After lunch (and after the conclusion of the Conference), an informal metting of the Stanley Brigade.After lunch (and after the conclusion of the Conference), an informal metting of the Stanley Brigade.
Another image of the informal meeting of the Stanley Brigade.Another image of the informal meeting of the Stanley Brigade.
In the afternoon, visit to Santa Maria degli Angeli. Fr Rafael Pascual is explaining the Shroud exhibition present inside the church.In the afternoon, of Friday 5 April, during the visit to Santa Maria degli Angeli. Fr Rafael Pascual is explaining the Shroud exhibition present inside the church.
Fr Rafael Pascual showing the sculpture representing Jesus, based on the Shroud image.Fr Rafael Pascual showing the sculpture representing Jesus, based on the Shroud image.
The following day, Saturday 6 April, inside St Peter’s Basilica, waiting for the group to reach the meeting point.The following day, Saturday 6 April, inside St Peter’s Basilica, waiting for the group to reach the meeting point.
Group picture after the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr Rafael Pascual, in the Guadalupe Chapel, in the Crypt of St Peter’s Basilica, not far from St Peter’s Tomb.Group picture after the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr Rafael Pascual, in the Guadalupe Chapel, in the Crypt of St Peter’s Basilica, not far from St Peter’s Tomb. From the left, Dianne Beaumont, Lucía Guerra Menéndez (and her daughter Carolina), Fr Rafael Pascual, John Beaumont, Mary-Frances Musk, Dennis Musk, Priscilla Doran, Aine Mc Intyre, Neal Doran, Julio Gonzalo.
In the Guadalupe Chapel, after the Holy Mass. Priscilla Doran took this picture (and a few of the other pictures as well).In the Guadalupe Chapel, after the Holy Mass. Priscilla Doran took this picture (and a few of the other pictures as well). From the left, Antonio Colombo, Dianne Beaumont, Lucía Guerra Menéndez (and her daughter Carolina), Fr Rafael Pascual, John Beaumont, Mary-Frances Musk, Dennis Musk, Aine Mc Intyre, Neal Doran, Julio Gonzalo.
In St. Peter Square, the picture, taken at one of the centres of the ellipse, shows all four set of columns in the Bernini colonnade as looking just one set.In St. Peter Square, the picture, taken at one of the centres of the ellipse, shows all four set of columns in the Bernini colonnade as looking just one set.
In the Cathedral of St John Lateran, the tombstone of Pope Silvester II (999-1003), who was also a scientist, as noted in Costantino Sigismondi’s presentation at the Conference.In the Cathedral of St John Lateran, the tombstone of Pope Silvester II (999-1003), who was also a scientist, as noted in Costantino Sigismondi’s presentation at the Conference.
In the Church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte, the Chapel in which the Virgin Mary appeared to Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne (who converted to Catholicism and became a priest), and where St Maximilian Kolbe celebrated his First Holy Mass.In the Church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte, the Chapel in which the Virgin Mary appeared to Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne and where St Maximilian Kolbe celebrated his First Holy Mass. Fr Jaki mentions Ratisbonne’s conversion in his booklet Confidence in God?
Thanks to Neal and Priscilla Doran for the ice cream at the Giolitti Café and Pastry shop!Thanks to Neal and Priscilla Doran for the ice cream at the Giolitti Café and Pastry shop! In the picture, Priscilla Doran, Dennis Musk, Fr Rafael Pascual, Neal Doran and Mary-Frances Musk.

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São Paulo – 26 September 2019 – Ciência e fé, é possivel una interação?

The program of the event may be found here.
Carlos Alberto A. de Souza, during his talkCarlos Alberto A. de Souza, during his talk about “When science meets religion: the science-faith relation according to Ian Barbour”.
People at the bookstand.People at the bookstand.
Father Pedro Augusto during his talk.Father Pedro Augusto during his talk about “Science and faith according to Karl Popper”.
People attending the conference.People attending the conference.
People attending the conference.People attending the conference.
People attending the conference.People attending the conference.
Father Pedro Augusto during his talk.Father Pedro Augusto during his talk.
Father Rafael Pascual during his talk.Father Rafael Pascual during his talk on “‘What God separated...’ The model of science-faith relation in the thought of Father Stanley Jaki”.
Father Rafael Pascual during his talk.Father Rafael Pascual during his talk.
Father Rafael Pascual during his talk.Father Rafael Pascual during his talk.
Father Rafael Pascual during his talk.Father Rafael Pascual during his talk.
People attending the conference.People attending the conference.
Father Rafael Pascual at the end of his talk.Father Rafael Pascual at the end of his talk.
Marcio Antonio Campos during his talk.Marcio Antonio Campos during his talk on “How the ‘fake history‘ about science and faith reinforces the narrative of the conflict”.
Marcio Antonio Campos at the end of his talk.Marcio Antonio Campos at the end of his talk.

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Győr – 10 December 2019 – In the footsteps of a Templeton prize winner – Conference in remembrance of Stanley L. Jaki OSB

The program of the event may be found here.
Dr. András Ferenc during his lectureDr. András Ferenc during his lecture
Dr. Soltész Péter during his lectureDr. Soltész Péter during his lecture
Dr. Székely László during his lectureDr. Székely László during his lecture

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Győr – 9-10 February 2024 – The horizon of science – 100 years from the birth of Stanley Jaki

The program of the event may be found here.
Before the beginning of the conferenceBefore the beginning of the conference
Bagyinszki Péter Ágoston during his talk.Bagyinszki Péter Ágoston during his talk.
Hetesi Zsolt during his talk.Hetesi Zsolt during his talk.
Palkovics László Amand during his talk.Palkovics László Amand during his talk.
Varga-Jani Anna during his talk.Varga-Jani Anna during his talk.
Szoboszlai-Kiss Katalin during his talk.Szoboszlai-Kiss Katalin during his talk.
Question from the publicQuestion from the public
Szombath Attila during his talk.Szombath Attila during his talk.
Sárai-Szabó Kelemen OSB during his talk.Sárai-Szabó Kelemen OSB during his talk.
András Ferenc during his talk.András Ferenc during his talk.
A view of the conference room.A view of the conference room.
Frenyó Zoltán during his talk.Frenyó Zoltán during his talk.
Székely László during his talk.Székely László during his talk.
Horváth András during his talk.Horváth András during his talk.
Simon András during his talk.Simon András during his talk.
Pogrányi Lovas Miklós during his talk.Pogrányi Lovas Miklós during his talk.
Tomb of Father Stanley Jaki in Pannonhalma.Tomb of Father Stanley Jaki in Pannonhalma.
Tomb of Father Stanley Jaki in Pannonhalma, detail.Tomb of Father Stanley Jaki in Pannonhalma, detail.
Holy Mass in the Pannonhalma Archabbacy.Holy Mass in the Pannonhalma Archabbacy.
Holy Mass in the Pannonhalma Archabbacy.Holy Mass in the Pannonhalma Archabbacy.
Holy Mass in the Pannonhalma Archabbacy.Holy Mass in the Pannonhalma Archabbacy.
The tombs of the three Jaki brothers.The tombs of the three Jaki brothers.

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Seton Hall – 24 April 2024 – The horizon of science – 100 years from the birth of Stanley Jaki

The detailed program of the event may be found here.
Ines Murzaku, Director of Catholic Studies Program and Founding Chair of the Department of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University introduces the Conference.Ines Murzaku, Director of Catholic Studies Program and Founding Chair of the Department of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University introduces the Conference.
Father Paul Haffner, President of the Stanley Jaki Foundation, who could not be present in person, greets the participant to the Conference from Saint Peter Square.Father Paul Haffner, President of the Stanley Jaki Foundation, who could not be present in person, greets the participant to the Conference from Saint Peter Square.
Fr. Joseph Laracy, Assistant Professor of systematic theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, and the main organizer of the Conference, during his speech on “Jaki and Barbour: Pilgrims on Parallel Paths of the Science and Religion Journey”.Fr. Joseph Laracy, Assistant Professor of systematic theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, and the main organizer of the Conference, during his speech on “Jaki and Barbour: Pilgrims on Parallel Paths of the Science and Religion Journey”.
One of the slides used by Fr. Joseph Laracy during his speech.One of the slides used by Fr. Joseph Laracy during his speech.
Stacy Trasancos, Adjunct Professor of Catholic Studies, who presided the sessions held remotely, during her speech on “God is Still There: An Analysis of Werner Heisenberg’s Reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics with Aristotelian Hylomorphism”.Stacy Trasancos, Adjunct Professor of Catholic Studies, who presided the sessions held remotely, during her speech on “God is Still There: An Analysis of Werner Heisenberg’s Reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics with Aristotelian Hylomorphism”.
One of the slides used by Stacy Trasancos during her speech.One of the slides used by Stacy Trasancos during her speech.
Two students of the Seton Hall University, MacKenzie Doerr and Kaylee Coghlan prepared a couple of posters about “The Separation of Mind, Body and Soul and its Relationship to the Divine”. This is the first poster.Two students of the Seton Hall University, MacKenzie Doerr and Kaylee Coghlan prepared a couple of posters about “The Separation of Mind, Body and Soul and its Relationship to the Divine”. This is the first poster.
This is the second poster.This is the second poster.
MacKenzie Doerr, Ines Murzaku and Kaylee Coghlan.MacKenzie Doerr, Ines Murzaku and Kaylee Coghlan.

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Contact: For any remark about this page, please contact Antonio Colombo (azc100 at gmail dot com)