about Stanley L. Jaki

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English  •  Italian  •  German  •  Hungarian

Articles about Stanley Jaki (either positive or negative) number in the hundreds.
Here are only a few examples.

In English:

Jersey Monk Wins Templeton Award
The New York Times - March 1987 - Kathleen Teltsch

'Science can't explain Creation of the Universe' - Fr. Stanley Jaki in Australia
AD 2000 - September 1992 - Peter Westmore

Princeton priest examines Nobel winner’s journey to faith
The Times of Trenton, NJ - December 1994 - David Newhouse

Does science disprove God?
A great philosopher-priest showed that it couldn’t

Catholic Herald - April 2016 - John Beaumont

These 5 Catholic scientists shaped our understanding of the world.html
Aleteia site - May 2018 - Stephen Beale

In Italian:

Più scienziati che copisti
Avvenire - November 1999 - Gianni Santamaria

Se il teorema darwiniano non fosse materialista
Avvenire - November 2008 - Luigi Dell'Aglio

In German:

Amerikanischer Professor empfiehlt:
Universität nach Olbers benennen
50 Jahre Gesellschaft der Astronomie in der Hansestadt

Norddeutsche Volkszeitung - October 1970

In Hungarian:

A fizika látóhatára
Gondola - July 2005

Contact: For any remark about this page, please contact Antonio Colombo (azc100 at gmail dot com)