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In English:

Paul Peter Abim Rom
The Rationality of the Christian Faith and the Rationality of Science
Understanding Stanley Jaki

(Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022), 214pp.

2022-abim-backcover-001 2022-abim-cover-001


To deal with rationality is to immediately deal with reason as the fundamental distinguishing mark of the human person. Reason and its rationality make us deal no longer with a thing but a person, whose existence precedes his thinking and whose thinking be it religious or scientific is according to that very faculty of reason.

It is therefore, justifiable to deal with science and religion as two realities distinct but integrated by human reason. Science and Christian faith practiced in religion are two human occupations that have gained central attention of the core of the existence of the human being himself. In science, man tries to decipher the content of nature, what it is made of, how it functions and how he can use them for his benefits and the benefit of others. Scientific investigations, therefore, become a natural mission to conquer and subdue the world and render to God the service of the totality of creation.

The investigation into natural things by science is only possible because man is reasonable and, because he is reasonable, he finds some patterns in nature that demonstrate it being a product of reason. It is this reasonableness that constitutes the rationality of his operation. Man’s other natural ability is the transcendence of the natural things that object to his intellect and senses. This transcendence leads him into metaphysical questions, the most fundamental of which is why there should be something at all and not nothing. He relates concretely to this reality beyond him in the practice of his religion.

Man’s religious attitudes seems to be a natural inclination to look at realities beyond the physical. It is this metaphysical desire that drives him to seek the cause of his own being and that of all beings. These metaphysical questions cannot be arrived at without the use of reason. Nature is so rational that man cannot but see beyond it in his rationality. Religion and science therefore, have two common denominators: reason and natural things. If this is so, and if reason is only one, then there must be an integration in the one without fusing the two. If this is possible, then philosophy, that is the love of wisdom cannot will not be ignored. These words of Etienne but be the unifying master that will not be ignored.

Gilson summarised it all:

Were it in my power to do so, I would rather leave you with a gift. Not wisdom, which I have not and no man can give, but the next best thing: the love of wisdom, for which philosophy is another word. For to love wisdom is also to love science, and prudence; it is to seek peace in the inner accord of each mind with itself and in the mutual accord of all minds.
— É GILSON, The Unity of Philosophical Experience, Ignatius Press, San Francisco (CA) 1937, 257.

Stanley Jaki delved deeply into philosophy from his study of the history of science after reading the beautiful book of Gilson, The Unity of Philosophical Experience (1937), a book that demonstrate one of the best of arts of doing philosophy. It is wisdom and prudence that guarantees the equilibrium both in doing science and in the search of the ultimate explanation of all things in religion and the love of that wisdom plays a bridging role between science and religion.

The book is available here.

The Table of Contents can be seen here: 2022 Abim - Table of Contents - 3 2022 Abim - Table of Contents - 2 2022 Abim - Table of Contents - 1

E. Szilveszter Vizi, Sára Réka Kabat, Gabriella Kenéz, Flora Moravcsik-Nagy, Alexandra Hortenzia Nagy (eds.)
Hit, tudomány és társadalom
Tanulmányok Az 52. Nemzetközi Eucharisztikus Kongresszus Tiszetletére
Faith, science and community
Studies in honor of the 52th International Eucharistic Congress

(Budapest: Szent István Társulat, 2020), 508pp.

2021-budapest-2020-back-cover 2021-budapest-2020-front-cover Our Capital, Budapest has received the great honor after 1938 for the second time that the Holy Father - this time pope Francis - has appointed Budapest for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress' venue. The organizing committee, with the support of Péter Cardinal Erdő and János Áder President of the Republic decided to organize an international conference with the title: Faith, Science and Community. However, in December of 2019 a new virus (SARS-CoV-2) started to spread all around the world and has prevented the Eucharistic Congress and the scientific conference in Budapest to be held in 2020. The ecumenical prayer week has just ended and the scientifical works made by the participants of the conference will be published in February to make available the ideas and thoughts of scientists of different belief, philosophers and theologians about the essence of the eucharist to all interested and participants of the Eucharistic Congress which shall be organized and held in September of 2021.
E. Szilveszter Vizi
Tamás Freund

In anticipation of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress a conference had been prepared in Budapest with a wide range of various themes. We invited many experts both from Hungary and abroad, who agreed to give a lecture at the conference, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was not able to be held, and so we asked the lecturers to send the text of their speeches in written form. Many of them fulfilled this request and so we are proudly able to present this book. Since the International Eucharistic Congress has been postponed by the decision of Pope Francis until 5-12th September 2021, this volume can form a valuable contribution to the intellectual preparation of the Congress. The studies themselves deal with many questions on points of contact between faith and science. Many of them from the history of the Church. Others concern questions of creation, biochemistry, natural sciences and our responsibility for the created world. Some of the texts are explicitly about the relationship between philosophy and theology. Some papers are theological, dealing with the Eucharist, to be precise. For example, they include the eucharistic theology of Ottokár Prohászka, or the thoughts of Fichte on the same topic. The memory of Stanley Jaki is dealt with by several authors. The Hungarian-American theologian, who died in 2009, discussed the basic questions of the relationship between natural sciences and faith, and so the articles about him shed light upon certain aspects of this rich subject. Natural scientists and philosophers, theologians from different Christian denominations and also Jewish can be found among the authors of this book. Many of them are internationally renowned researchers. The writings collected here convincingly show that the subject of the Eucharist is a fresh spring even today, and suitable for raising a discussion between believers and non-believers and the representatives of other different religions. May God give this intellectual gathering an attractive example of the meeting of truth-seeking people in mutual respect and love.
Dr. Péter Erdő
Cardinal, Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest

The book is available here.

The International part of the Table of Contents can be seen here: 2021 Budapest 2020 Acts - TOC - page 6 2021 Budapest 2020 Acts - TOC - page 5 2021 Budapest 2020 Acts - TOC - page 4

Paul Haffner / Joseph Laracy (eds.)
Acts of the Stanley Jaki Foundation International Congress 2015
(Leominster: Gracewing, 2020), 224pp.

Seton Hall 2015 back-cover Seton Hall 2015 front-cover On April 15, 2015, a diverse international group of scholars with expertise in fields such as philosophy, theology, chemistry, physics, engineering and computer science, gathered at Seton Hall University (SHU) in South Orange, New Jersey, USA for the Father Jaki International Congress.

Stanley L. Jaki OSB, STD, PhD was a Hungarian-born Catholic priest who served on the physics faculty of SHU from 1965 to 2009. Papers presented at the Congress covered topics that ranged from Jaki’s early career work in experimental physics, to his research on the important connection between the theology of creation and the emergence of natural science in medieval Europe, to Jaki’s Christological perspective on the doctrine of creation and its implications. This volume will certainly prove be of considerable interest to students and faculty in the fields of systematic theology and the history and philosophy of science.

Paul Haffner, a priest of the diocese of Portsmouth, UK, studied physics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford and, in 1987, defended and published his doctorate at the Gregorian University, on the relation between Creation and science in S. L. Jaki. Since 2014, he has taught philosophy and theology in Rome. As of 2014, he has taught online at Seton Hall University on the Popes and Science. He is president of the Stanley Jaki Foundation since April 2010, and is author of over 40 books and 150 articles on philosophical and theological themes, and many of his works have been translated into other languages, including Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.

Joseph R. Laracy, a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, USA, serves as assistant professor of systematic theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology. He is also an affiliated faculty member of Seton Hall University with the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, the Department of Catholic Studies, and the University Honors Program. Father Laracy earned the STD (Fundamental Theology) degree from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome as well as the SM from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the BS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The book is available here.

A review of the book by Peter Heasley in Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 55, no. 4 (December 2020), pp. 1130-1131, can be found here.

A review of the book by Thomas P. Quinn in The Chesterton Review 55, no. 3/4 (2021), pp. 413-416, can be found here.

The Table of Contents can be seen here: Seton Hall 2015 Congress - Table of COntents

2019 Science and Faith in a Realist Perspective back cover Science and Faith in a Realist Perspective front cover
Alessandro Giostra
Stanley Jaki:
Science and Faith in a Realist Perspective

(Rome: Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum;
Rome: IF Press, 2019), 143pp.

This collection of essays deals with Jaki’s key ideas. His conclusions can be considered a confutation of the dogmatic assumptions of naturalistic scientism, and a debunking of simplistic reconstructions based on mainstream viewpoints. So this book proves helpful to readers who aim at acquiring an unbiased knowledge of the science-faith interaction.

Alessandro Giostra is a teacher of Philosophy and History in Italian high schools. Author of about 170 publications (books and articles), he has a long-standing interest in the relationship between science and Christian faith. That is why Jaki’s thought has occupied a prominent place in his personal research.

A review by Paul Fayter of this work for the magazine Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (March 2022) may be found here.
A review by Mario Gargantini of this work (in Italian) may be found here. The English translation of Gargantini’s review may be found here.

The Table of Contents can be seen here: Science and Faith in a Realist Perspective Table of Contents

Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Rafael Pascual, Antonio Colombo (eds.)
2011 Madrid Acts - Back Cover 2011 Madrid Acts Proceedings of the Summer Course
“Science and Faith in Stanley Jaki”
Madrid, July 11-13, 2011

(Rome: Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum;
Rome: IF Press;
Madrid: Universidad San Pablo CEU, 2017), 190pp.

Acts of the Summer Course held in Madrid on 11-13 April 2011. Contributions of: Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Antonio Colombo, Rafael Pascual, John Beaumont, Paul Haffner, Jacques Vauthier, Leopoldo José Prieto López, Juan Arana, Beniamino Danese, Manuel Carreira, Angelo Bottone, Julio A. Gonzalo.
The essays are written in English or in Spanish.

The Table of Contents can be seen here:

2011 Madrid Acts - TOC - page 2 2011 Madrid Acts - TOC - page 1

description-of-trasancos-particles-of-faith-back-cover-001 description-of-trasancos-particles-of-faith-cover-001 Stacy Trasancos
Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science
(Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2016), 179pp.

The book is available here.
A review of the book can be found here.
Another review of the book can be found here.

The Table of Contents can be seen here: description-of-trasancos-particles-of-faith-toc-001

Trasancos Science Was Born - Back Cover Trasancos Science Was Born - Cover Stacy Trasancos
Science Was Born of Christianity:
The Teaching of Fr. Stanley Jaki

(Titutsville, FL: The Habitation of Chimham Publishing Company, 2014), 216pp.

The book is available here.

The Table of Contents can be seen here: description-of-trasancos-science-was-born-toc-001

2009 [First Edition 1991]
Paul Haffner Haffner Creation and Scientific Creativity 1991 Cover Haffner Creation and Scientific Creativity 2009 Cover
Creation and Scientific Creativity: A Study in the Thought of S.L. Jaki
(Leominster: Gracewing, 2009), xiv + 329pp.

The first biography of Fr. Stanley Jaki.
The first edition of this work was revised by Jaki himself.
Contains a list of Stanley Jaki’s publications, up to the first months of the year 2009, at pp. 249-309.
Also included is a list of reviews of Jaki’s works, at pp. 311-320.
The book is available here.

The Table of Contents can be seen here: Haffner Creation and Scientific Creativity 2009 TOC - page 2 Haffner Creation and Scientific Creativity 2009 TOC - page 1

Stanley Jaki
A Mind’s Matter A Mind’s Matter: An Intellectual Autobiography (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2002), xiv + 309pp.

Contains a list of the author’s publications, up to the first months of the year 2002, at pp. 259-309.
Two additional chapters have been printed: “Five Years Later” and “Three More Years”.
The book is available here.

In Hungarian:

Közremuködok: Vizi E. Szilveszter, Kabat Sára Réka, Kenéz Gabriella, Moravcsik-Nagy Flora, Nagy Alexandra Hortenzia
Hit, tudomány és társadalom
Tanulmányok Az 52. Nemzetközi Eucharisztikus Kongresszus Tiszetletére
Faith, science and community
Studies in honor of the 52th International Eucharistic Congress

(Budapest: Szent István Társulat, 2020), 508pp.

Fovárosunkat, Budapestet 1938 után második alkalommal éri az a megtiszteltetés, hogy a Szentatya - ezúttal Ferenc pápa - Budapestet jelölte meg az 52. Nemzetközi Eucharisztikus Kongresszus színhelyéül. A szervezobizottság, Erdő Péter bíboros és Áder János köztársasági elnök támogatásával elhatározta, hogy „Hit, Tudomány és Társadalom" címmel nemzetközi konferenciát szervez. Azonban 2019. decemberében egy új vírus (SARS-CoV-2) terjedt szét a világban és megakadályozta, hogy Budapesten 2020-ban megtartsuk az Eucharisztikus Kongresszust és a tudományos konferenciát. Az ökumenikus imahét éppen befejezodött, a konferencia résztvevoinek tudományos dolgozatai februárban nyomdába kerülnek, hogy minden érdeklodo, és a 2021. szeptemberében megrendezésre kerülo kongresszus résztvevoi számára hozzáférhetok legyenek a különbözo meggyozodésu tudósok, filozófusok és teológusok elképzelései a hitrol, a tudományról és az eucharisztia lényegérol.
Vizi E. Szilveszter,
Freund Tamás

Az 52. Nemzetközi Eucharisztikus Kongresszusra készülve konferenciát terveztünk Budapestre mégpedig elég gazdag tematikával. Számos hazai és külföldi szakembert hívtunk meg, akik vállalták is, hogy eloadást tartanak ezen a találkozón. Mivel a világjárvány miatt maga ez a tudományos konferencia nem jöhetett létre, arra kértük a résztvevoket, hogy szíveskedjenek tervezett eloadásuk szövegét irásban megküldeni. Sokan eleget tettek felhívásunknak. Igy örömmel nyújtjuk át ezt a kötetet az olvasónak. Minthogy magát az Eucharisztikus Kongresszust Ferenc pápa döntése nyomán 2021. szeptember 5-12. között tartjuk Budapesten, ennek a kötetnek a megjelenése a tudomány értékes hozzájárulása lehet az Eucharisztikus Kongresszus szellemi elokészítéséhez. Maguk a tanulmányok hit és tudomány érintkezési pontjainak számos kérdését érintik. Több irás egyháztörténeti vonatkozású. Mások a teremtés, a biokémia, a természettudomány, illetve a teremtett világ iránti felelosség kérdéseit boncolgatják. Több tanulmány kifejezetten a filozófia és a teológia kapcsolatát érinti. Vannak olyan értekezések is, amelyek kifejezetten teológiai jelleguek és azon belül is az Eucharisztiával kapcsolatosak, például Prohászka Ottokár eucharisztikus teológiájáról vagy Fichte ugyanerre a témára vonatkozó gondolatairól szólnak. Jaki Szaniszló emlékét több szerzo is feldolgozza. A 2009-ben elhunyt, ismert magyar-amerikai teológus a természettudományok és a hit kapcsolatának alapveto kérdéseit tárgyalta. Így a róla szóló cikkek ennek a gazdag témakörnek az egyes szempontjait villantják fel. Természettudósok és filozofusok, különbözo felekezetu keresztény és zsidó teológusok, történészek és jogászok egyaránt találhatók a kötet szerzoi között. Nem kevés közülük nemzetközi viszonylatban is jól ismert kutató. Az itt egybegyujtött írások meggyozoen mutatják, hogy az Eucharisztia témája ma is forrás, alkalmas arra, hogy körülötte gazdag párbeszéd alakuljon ki hivök és nem hívok, különbözo irányzatok és vallások képviseloi között. Adja Isten, hogy ez a szellemi találkozás vonzó példakép legyen az igazságot öszintén kereso emberek találkozására kölcsönös tiszteletben és szeretetben.
Dr. Erdő Péter
Bíboros, Primás, Esztergom-Budapesti Érsek

The book is available here.

The Hungarian part of the Table of Contents can be seen here: 2021 Budapest 2020 Acts - TOC - page 3 2021 Budapest 2020 Acts - TOC - page 2 2021 Budapest 2020 Acts - TOC - page 1

Jáki Szaniszló László
A Mind’s Matter - Hungarian Egy elme világa - Szellemi önéletrajz hitről és tudományról
(Budapest: Kairosz Kiadó, 2003), 440pp.

Hungarian translation by Boldizsár Fejérvári of A Mind’s Matter.

In Italian:

Stanley L. Jaki
La materia di una mente - Quarta di copertina La materia di una mente - Copertina La materia di una mente: Un’autobiografia intellettuale
(Verona: Fede & Cultura), 490pp.

Traduzione dall’inglese di Antonio Colombo.

Il libro ripercorre la vicenda intellettuale di Padre Jaki vista con gli occhi del "protagonista", e comprende anche i due capitoli aggiunti da Padre Jaki all’edizione originale del libro, uscita nel 2002, nonché una lista delle pubblicazioni di Padre Jaki, aggiornata al 2022. Nel libro ci sono molte indicazioni preziose per la comprensione del pensiero di Padre Jaki, ma che sono anche di aiuto a ognuno di noi per vivere l’avventura cristiana di ogni giorno.

Il libro è disponibile qui, sia in formato cartaceo che come e-book.

L’indice del libro è visibile qui:

La materia di una mente - Indice

Rafael Pascual, Antonio Colombo (eds.)
2019 Roma Atti - Back Cover 2019 Roma Atti L'eredità di Padre Stanley L. Jaki, a dieci anni dalla sua scomparsa The Legacy of Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, ten years after his death
(Roma: Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum; Roma: IF Press), 188pp.

Atti del Convegno Internazione tenuto a Roma il 4-5 aprile 2019.
Acts of the International Conference held in Rome on 4-5 April 2019.

Contributi di: José Enrique Oyarzún, Rafael Pascual, Antonio Colombo, Neal A. Doran, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Raquel Guerra, Hrvoje Relja, Riccardo Pozzo, Alessandro Giostra, Costantino Sigismondi, Jacques Vauthier, Fernando Di Mieri, Julio A. Gonzalo.
The essays are written in English, Italian, French.

L’indice del libro è visibile qui:

2019 Roma Atti - Indice - pagina 2 2019 Roma Atti - Indice - pagina 1

Rafael Pascual, Antonio Colombo (eds.)
2010 Roma - Atti - Quarta di copertina 2010 Roma - Atti - Copertina Commemorazione di Padre Stanley Jaki OSB
nel primo anniversario della sua morte

(Roma: Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 2014), 165pp.

Atti del Convegno tenutosi a Roma il 13 Aprile 2010 all’Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum. Contributi di Rafael Pascual, Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Antonio Colombo, John Beaumont, Jacques Vauthier, Lucía Guerra Menéndez, Hrvoje Relja, Jason Mitchell, Alexandra von Teuffenbach, Pedro Barrajon, Paul Haffner, Alessandro Giostra.

Il libro è disponibile qui.
Una recensione può essere trovata qui.
Some of the essays are written in English or French.

L’Indice del libro si può vedere qui:
Roma 2010 - Atti - indice - pag. 2 Roma 2010 - Atti - indice - pag. 1

Translation of the text in the back cover of the book:

...which is your reasonable worship.
Do not conform yourselves to this age
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that you may discern what is the will of God,
what is good and pleasing and perfect.

— Saint Paul to the Romans, 12, 1-2

Idols of wood and stone, of gold and silver, mentioned in the Bible are no longer present in Western society. Other idols took their place. In the words of T.S. Eliot: Usury, Lust and Power. But the only idol that aims at taking the place of God is science, from which salvation is expected, and that is improperly used to build the foundations of a materialist philosophy.

Stanley Jaki is a historian of science whose research has largely shown that there would be no science without the Catholic Church, and that Galileo and Newton’s science has medieval roots. For this reason, the Catholic Church and science cannot be in conflict. Father Jaki also examined what are the limits of science, limits that do not allow science to go beyond what is measurable, to cover the ground of philosophy and religion. In the wake of Gilson, Father Jaki supports methodical realism as a starting point for both philosophy and science.

2008 Relja Il Realismo - Quarta di copertina Relja Il Realismo - Copertina Hrvoje Relja
Il realismo di S.L. Jaki: Dalla convinzione religiosa tramite il realismo moderato e la creatività scientifica fino al realismo metodico
(Roma: Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, 2008), 217pp.

Tesi per il dottorato in filosofia di Hrvoje Relia.
Contiene una lista delle pubblicazioni di Stanley Jaki fino a inizio 2008, alle pp. 167-205.
Il libro è disponibile qui.

L’Indice del libro si può vedere qui: description-of-relja-il-realismo-toc-003 description-of-relja-il-realismo-toc-002 description-of-relja-il-realismo-toc-001

Contact: For any remark about this page, please contact Antonio Colombo (azc100 at gmail dot com)