Number | Title | Date | Place | Project | Contents | Auth. | Lang. | Pages | Publications List | Notes | Paths | Filenames |
1 | Angyal, állat, ember | 00-Jun-2006 | Hungarian translation of Angels, Apes and Men | SLJ | Hu | x + 158 | 1983-02 | The electronic version is slightly different. Chapter 3 missing, but all the notes are present. Index missing. | flo201 / flo067 / flo072 / flo529 / 2006\r / flo036 / | angy-1.doc / angy-1je.doc / angy-2.doc / angy-2je.doc / angy-3je.doc / angy.pm5 / angy.txt / angy12je.txt / angy3jeg.txt / | ||
2 | Determinismo e Realtà | 1990 ? | Italian translation of Determinism and Reality | UNK | It | 17 | 1990-10 | The notes are not translated. | ||||
3 | The Nature of Quantum Mechanical Reality | 22-Aug-1988 | Rimini, Italy | IX Meeting for the Friendship among Peoples | English original of the speech at the 1988 Rimini Meeting on 22 Aug 1988 | SLJ | En | 10 | 1989-08 | Handwritten modifications | ||
4 | Review of: J. Merleau-Ponty, La science de l'universe à l'âge du positivisme: Étude su les origines de la cosmologie contemporaine (Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1983) | 28-Oct-1984 | Review required by ISIS, but they asked too many corrections to the text, so it was never published. | SLJ | En | 3 | Exchange of letters available. Handwritten modifications. | |||||
5 | Review of: R. Maiocchi, Chimica e filosofia: Scienza, epistemologia, storia, religione nell'opera di Pierre Duhem (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1985) | 00-Aaa-1986 | Review prepared for ISIS, but never published: the editor had several questions about the review (25 Aug 1989) | SLJ | En | 3 | Handwritten modifications. Letter from ISIS available. | |||||
6 | Physics: Relevant and Irrelevant | 28-feb-1969 | Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OHIO 45433 | Visiting Lecture Program at the Air Force Institute of Technology | Based on The Relevance of Physics | SLJ | En | 3 + 5 pages of handwritten notes | 1966-01 | Several letters related to the speech are included | ||
7 | Christ and Science | A different version of the article and booklet with the same title | SLJ | En | 20 | 1992-13 2000-04 | 2004-08\newman12 / 2006\r / flo141 / flo071 / articles / | lsbchr / lsbchr.html / | ||||
8 | Angels, Apes, and Christians: Evolution in a Christian Perspective | 4-apr-1984 | Faculty of Religious Studies at the University of Montreal | About Angels, Apes, Men (Darwin, Descartes, Rousseau, Kant, XIX century) | SLJ | En | 15 | 1983-02 | on invitation by prof. Shea. Handwritten modifications. | |||
9 | Purpose Redux and Other Essays | 00-Mar-2003 | Collection of Essays, which later become A Late Awakening and Other Essays, with a different choice of included essays. At the stage in which it is, it encludes the following essays (other were in plan to be added): Purpose Redux, The Metamorphoses of Human Dignity, Myopia with Lynx Eyes about a Text of Aristotle, A Late Awakening to Gödel in Physics, Pierre Duhem: Uneasy Genius, Christ and Science (# 007 in the present list), What God Separated, or Science and Religion, Karl Stern and his Pillar of Fire, Chesterton on Science, Dire Needs and Vain Hopes: Bioethics at the Start of the Third Millennium. | SLJ | En | viii + 267 (Introduction, 2 pages) | 2006-01 | The Introduction is dated March 2003, but the files arrive to 2004. There is NO paper printout, only the electronic version | flo377 | pr01prp pr02mtm pr03gal pr03glyx pr04gdjk pr05lbdh pr05lsbd pr06lcsc pr06lsbc pr07gdsp pr08strb pr09ch pr10prsc pr11bioe pr12into pr7prlm prchptt prprlm7 | ||
10 | Transcript of a letter of Henry Edward Manning to E. B. Pusey | 23-Aug-2002 | Not an unpublished work. The text of a letter of Manning, likely to be used in some book about Newman. | Henry Edward Manning | En | 39 | Taken (Probably scanned) from the book The Working of the Holy Spirit in the Church of England. The letter is dated 25 September 1864. Handwritten corrections. A Xerox of the original book is also available. | flo135 / flo371 / 2008\r / | mngwhsp / | |||
11 | The Malines Conversations | 4-mar-2002 | Expanded version of The Malines Conversations and What Was Malign There? | SLJ | En | 84 | 2002-09 | With handwritten modifications. Includes some xeroxes of related material (text of letters) | flo135 / flo187 / | malines / jaki030402.doc / | ||
12 | Islam, Science and Christianity | 00-Aaa-2002 | Maybe it is the English original of Islam, Scienza e Cristianesimo., in itself a shorter version of Islam and Science with the Eyes of a Muslim Physicist. The incipit is the same ad 2003-22. | SLJ | En | 8 | 2002-19 2003-22 | No electronic texts available, only the printout. 2003-22 is instead 20 pages long. | ||||
13 | Science and Religion | 00-Aaa-1993 | Very likely, a first version of Questions on Science and Religion | SLJ | En | 65 | 2004-02 | Introduction is missing. Existing printed chapters: 1 Exact Science 2 Plain Religion 3 Three Creations. Clipping from various sources available, all dated 1993. Several more chapters are available in electronic forms in the two indicated folders. E.g. the fourth chapater is titled Purposeful Evolution. | flo049 / 2008\r\scrl | 1sci / 2rel / 3thrcr | ||
14 | The Milky Way in the Universe: Some lessons of History | 04-Dec-1972 | Boston University | The Seminar on Man and the Universe of Boston University (1972-1973) | The Milky Way: An Elusive Road for Science. | SLJ | En | 14 | 1972-01 | Page numbering runs to 13, but there are 2 pages bearing number 3. The text flows OK. Some ifnormation about the evene is included with the typewritten paper. | ||
15 | Other Earths, or better ne Moonstruck? | 15-May-1997 | About the unlikeliness of extra-terrestials. First version of “Believe in Extraterrestrials? You’d be better Moonstruck.” | SLJ | En | 5 | 1998-12 | A sixth page is missing from the printout, but can be found in the electronic text. | flo079 | NTLCTREG | ||
16 | To define or not to define? | 11-Sep-1997 | About the possibility to define Mary as co-redentrix "Maria indispensabilis" (and about Papal infallibility) | SLJ | En | 9 | Handwritten modifications. | flo226 / 2008\r | DFNNDF / DEFNTDEF | |||
17 | Duhem's Quest for the Foundations of Physics | 1979 ca. | About Duhem's realism. The article was originated havin in mind the "Foundation of Physics" monthly. | SLJ | En | 6 | Handwritten modifications. Alternate title (handwritten): The Foundations of Physiscs and its very Foundation: or the Tale of Pierre Duhem. The text is typewritten, and there is a reference to the year 1978. | |||||
18 | Une École sans écoles ou: la formation philosophique de Pierre Duhem à l'École normale supérieure (1882-1887). | 26-nov-1984 | Paris, Salle Dussane de l'École normale supérieure | Description of the École in the context of its times, and of the role played by Duhem while he was there. | SLJ | En-Fr | 14 (En) - 16 (Fr) | 1984-01 | Both the English original and the French translation are available. No translator indicated. The text point for further detail to chapter 2 of Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem. A page contains the details about the conference itself. | |||
19 | Damned with faint praise or: the fate of Pierre Duhem | 13-mar-1979 | Boston University | Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science (1978-1979) | Evaluation of the life and works of DUhem after his death. | SLJ | En-Fr | 21 (En) - 28 (Fr) | A French translation is available. No translator indicated. Handwritten modifications. | flo346 | DMND | |
20 | The Christopher Dawson Memorial Lecture / Faith in Search of Its Past | 24-Oct-1997 | Steubenville, Ohio. Franciscan University. | Fifth Annual Society of Catholic Social Scientists' National Conference | Presentation of the Christopher Dawson Memorial Lectures, and considerations about the history of the Church. | SLJ | En | 14 + 6 | The text is incomplete, very likely it was completed "on the fly". The title on the program of the event is "Faith probing History". With the text there are Faxes exchanged with the Franciscan University of Steubenville in July 1997. There are also some related xeroxes. | flo226 / 2008\r | DAWSON.MLC / (DAWSON.WP) / DWSOFF | |
21 | On Reasoned Faith as the Common Foundation of Both Science and Religion | 18-Jul_1966 - 05-Aug-1966 | Princeton Theological Seminary | Summer Seminar on the Relation of Science and Theology | Science and Faith, in historical perspective. | SLJ | En | 15 | This paper was xeroxed and distributed as an issue of Reports and Reflections from the Publication Committee fo the NCMA (National Campus Ministry Association), based in Stanford California. The text had 40 notes, mostly quoting scientists. A bibliography (prepared by SLJ) is also present (3 pages). | |||
22 | Does Science Need Religion? | 22-apr-1999 | ...the substantial answer being "not any longer". | SLJ | En | 8 | Probable text for a talk. The last part seems to be unfinished, but the conclusion is spelled out. | flo049 / flo038 / 2008\r\waow / 2009\rvajo / | scndrel / | |||
23 | Christianity and Science | 5-mar-1986 | Steubenville, Ohio, Franciscan University | 1986 Academic Honors Convocation | Christian origins of scinece (Buridan, etc.) | SLJ | En | 8 | 1980-01 | Some exchanged letters are included, as well as information about the event. Cosmos and Creator is suggested as a follow-up to the Lecture. Handwritten corrections to the text. The University gives "Sceince and Christianity" as title of the talk. | ||
24 | Novena to St. Jude Thaddeus | 1984 (?) | Text of a Novena to St. Jude Thaddeus | SLJ | En | 5 | There is some documentation about Jude Thaddeus devotion, one of them dated 1984. The finished Novena is present as well as a typewritten previous copy with handwrittn notes, and the manuscript upon which the typewritten text is based. | |||||
25 | Mary, a Myth? | 28-mar-2005 | A booklet about Mary, of the series "Why?" Only a couple of pages for each of the 3 chapters has been composed. | SLJ | En | 8 | Titles of the chapters are: 1 Maiden Mother 2 Co-Crucified 3 Called Blessed | flo136 | mary1 / mary2 / mary3 | |||
26 | Preface to the Spanish Translation of "The Relevance of Physics" | 1-mar-1992 | Mention is done of new developments in physics, that were not known back in 1966. Stress isput on the importance of Gödel's theorem for physics. | SLJ | En | 6 | 1966-01 | This is the English text of the Preface (not the Spanish one). The translation itself of The Relevance of Physics has not been published yet (as of Sep. 2012). There is also the text of the preface to the 1992 reprint (1992-05) - 6 pages. | flo100 / flo315 | relpref / rlvnpref | ||
27 | Genesis 1: ¿Una Cosmogénesis? | 17-Sep-1996 | Spanish translation of: “Genesis 1: A Cosmogenesis?” | Unk | Sp | 27 | 1993-10 | flo211 / 2004-01\r\txtspnsh / 2006\old_pc\r\txtspnsh / 2006\r\txtspnsh / 2008\r\txtspnsh / backup20060423\r\txtspnsh / | gen1span | |||
28 | La creatività dei medievali in scienza e teconologia | 10-Sep-2006 | Italian translation of Medieval Christianity: Its Inventiveness in Technology and Science | Antonio Colombo | It | 16 | 1993-05 | Father Jaki only got a printout. Please contact for the electronic version. Another version of the same text (always in Italian - 5 pages) is also included, and has been used for a conference in Italy (given in Italian). This text had been translated, but not published, for an Italian magazine. | ||||
29 | Newman in his letters on the development of doctrine | 14-Oct-2003 | The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC) | About letters Newman wrote while finishing the "Development" and converting to Catholicism | SLJ | En | 14 | To be included in a collection of essays about Newman "Newman, Myths and Facts" (chapter 5) | flo088 / 2008\r / flo378 / myths / | nwdvcua / nwdvcua.e / | ||
30 | (no title, it could be: "Autobiographical notes") | 27-Oct-2004 | A brief exposition of the themes of his main works. | SLJ | En | 8 | Prepared in view of a visit to Hungary. | 008\r / | jkastrbp / | |||
31 | The Wellsprings of Freedom | 27-Nov-1993 (?) | Freedom vs. Determinism, an historical analysis. Real freedom comes with Christ. | SLJ | En | 15 | 1990-01 | The contents are very similar to chapter 7 in The Purpose of it All (Purpose and Freedom), rearranged for a speech (this is speculation, no details at all about the possible speech) | 2004-01\r / 2006\old_pc\r / 2006\r / 2008\r / backup20060423\r / backup20060423\r1 / | freepurp.pnd / | ||
32 | Tul a termeloeszkozokon (proper Hungarian accents omitted) | Hungarian translation (or original) of “Beyond the Tools of Production.” | SLJ | Hu | 20 | 1991-12 | English corresponding file: leo.5 in 2004-01\r\mcathl | |||||
33 | More Catholic Essays | 15-Jan-1996 | A collection of essays which was never printed. Part of it eventually became "The Ethical Foundations of Bioethics". Others were inserted in different collections of essays. Contents: 1. Undeceivably Infallible 2. Peter's Chair: a Professorial Chair? 3. Liberalism and Theology 4. Authoritatively no authority... 5. Beyond the Tools of Production 6. Creation once and for all 7. Christ and Science 8. Catholic Church and Astronomy 9. Two Lourdes Miracles and a Nobel-laureate 10. The true origin of man 11. Life's Defense: Natural and Supernatural 12. The Purpose of Healing 13. Consistent Bioethics and Christian Consistency 14. The Ethical Foundations of Bioethics. 15. ?Wedding Sermon di Liberti 16. ?Catholicism: Patterns and Principles | SLJ | En | 256 (?) | 2004-01\r\mcathl | AUTHNOAU.4 / CCHASTR.8 / CHAIR.2 / CHRSTSCI.7 / CNSTBTHC.12 / CREAONCE.6 / CRLCTWRP.9 / ETHFDBTH.14 / ETHFDBTH.B / LBRLSFNL.3 / LEO.5 / LFSDFNS.11 / MCATH / PRPHEAL.13 / TRUORMAN.10 / UNDCINFL.1 / | ||||
34 | Brain, Mind and Computers: A New Twist to an Old Claim | 8-nov-1990 | Budapest | A short version of Brain, Mind and Computers, for a conference | SLJ | En | 20 | 1969-01 | flo100 / | bmcessay / | ||
35 | The Origin of the Universe | 00-Aaa-1991 | The Universe needs an explanation (a Creator). | SLJ | En | 7 | Article written for Proyección Mundial and The Catholic World Report, but never published. References are made to God and the Cosmologists. | |||||
36 | Is Science Western? | 1-nov-2003 | Science is rooted in a Western culture which was eminently Christian. | SLJ | En | 7 | Probably the text of a talk, but no news at all about it. Handwritten modifications. | 2004-01\r / flo126 / flo353 / backup20060423\r / | scwstmdr / | |||
37 | Homily at the Chesterton Conference | 19-Jun-2004 | Minneapolis | 23rd G. K. Chesterton Conference | Eternity in the Mass | SLJ | En | 3 | With Handwritten modifications. | 2008\r / flo379 / | chsthmly / | |
38 | The origins of the denial of causality by quantum mechanics | 20-apr-2005 | Text of a speech given in Madrid, very likely in May 2005. Heisenberg, plus various XX Century philosophers quoted. | SLJ | En | 11 | Slides of the text included. Three slides contain also handwritten notes by SLJ, written during the conference. | flo136 / 2008\r / | caumdrd / caumdrd.doc / | |||
39 | History of Physics | 19-Jun-1993 (?) | A transcript of The entry for "History of Physics" in the Catholic Encyclopedia (1911), written by Pierre Duhem. | Pierre Duhem | En | 74 | Not really an unpublished text. Handwritten corrections of various misprints. Probably used in the preparation of the books about Duhem. The pages of the Catholic Encyclopedia from which the text was taken are also included (19 pages). | 004_08\duhem01 / flo333 / | histphys / histphys.2 / | |||
40 | Gödel and the End of Physics | 27-Oct-2004 | Text of a conference, date and place unknown. | SLJ | En | 10 | At the end of the text there is another text, the transcript of an one page article by Michael Brooks, from the New Scientist, 05-Apr-2003. This last electronic text is dated 28-Oct-2003: file GALFT in 2008\r. | 2008\r / flo126 / flo355 / | gdl1 / | |||
41 | Le Trident Duhemien | 1987 or 1988 | A biography of Duhem and a discussion about his philosophical positions. | SLJ (Fr.: Anne Williams?) | En Fr | 10 (En) - 10 (Fr) | The printout of the French translation is included. Only the English text is available in electronic format. | 2004-08\duhem14 / flo104 / flo346 / 2004-08\duhem13 / flo345 / flo193 / | duhem / duhem.bk! / duhem.htm / | |||
42 | The Key to Genesis 1 | 1992 or later (after the pubblication of 1992-02, but very likely before the publication of 1999-04) | An article about the Real message of Genesis 1. Absurdity of concordism. | SLJ | En | 10 | 1992-02 1999-04 | Similar to (but shorter) to The Creator’s Sabbath Rest: a Clue to Genesis 1. In itself the conclusions of Genesis 1 Through the Ages. No detail about where and when it should have been published, and why it was not. | ||||
43 | Quinze Mystères du Rosaire | 10-Oct-2003 | French translation of Fifteen Mysteries. | Anne Williams (?) | Fr | 40 | 2002-05 | The translation was never used. "Fifteen Mysteries" was superseded by "Twenty Mysteries" (2003-05), but the French translation was never updated with the last five mysteries. Handwritten notes from the translator. | flo359 / | quinze mystères.doc / | ||
44 | The Future of Culture | 08-Aug-1993 | Article about modern ideas of culture. Western secularist culture cannot really survive without christianism. | SLJ | En | 15 | futcult2 contains the handwritten corrections marked on the printout. futcult (09-Sep-1992) doesn not have them. | flo041 / 2004-01\r\5thser / 2006\old_pc\r\5thser / 2006\r\5thser / 2008\r\5thser / backup20060423\r\5thser / | futcult / futcult2 / | |||
45 | Saint Rose of Lima school graduation June 13, 1998 | 13-Jun-1998 | New Hope, Ky | Address in occasion of the graduation of Clare Manion, Michael Monaghan & Magdalen Musk. "All good beginnings are small". | SLJ | En | 8 | Handwritten corrections. strose.doc has the correction inserted. | 2004-08\fatima2 / flo482 / essays / 2008\r / | strose / strose.doc / | ||
46 | The Origin of the Mind | 00-Aaa-1991 | Mind cannot be reduced to what science measures. Acritic of the book: Hans Moravec, Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence (1990). Similar arguments in: The Brain-Mind Unity: The Strangest Difference. | SLJ | En | 14 | 2004-11 | Handwritten corrections still to be inserted. A lot of documentation related to this talk is included with the unpublished text: (047 001 TITLE - The Mind: Artificial, Intelligent, or both?). | 2004-01\r / 2006\old_pc\r / 2006\r / 2008\r / | or-mind.pnd / | ||
47 | The Mind: Artificial, Intelligent, or both? | 4-feb-1994 | The real difference between mind and computer lies precisely here, in the act of understanding. Yogi Berra quotations used to explain why computers will never understand them. | SLJ | En | 11 | 1996-12 | Handwritten modifications. Some of the themes can be found in: 1996-12. “Words: Blocks, Amoebas, or Patches of Fog? Artificial Intelligence and the Conceptual Foundations of Fuzzy Logic.”. The name of the electronic file suggest it could have been èreèared for a talk in Illinois. A lot of documents used in preparing this speech and document 046 (TITLE - The Origin of the Mind) is included. | 2004-01\r / 2006\old_pc\r / 2006\r / 2008\r / backup20060423\r / backup20060423\r1 / | illinoi.pnd / | ||
48 | Modern Science and Reason | 3-feb-1988 | Translation from French of a paper written by Jacques Maritain: "La science moderne et la raison", (La Chapelle-Montligeon: Imprim. de l'Œuvre expiatoire, 1910) | Anne Williams (?) | En | 35 | Probably in view of a publication of the text with an Introduction by SLJ. Includes a letter froom Kolbsheim (France) which accompanies some xeroxes of publications in which Maritain criticizes Maréchal. | flo314 / | martntrn / | |||
49 | A half-scientific story by Scientific American | 10-Jan-1995 | Reflections on the October 1994 issue of Scientific American. The entire issue was about 'Life in the Universe'. All articles are dealt with, briefly or in detail. Scientism is at work through most of the articles. "James Clerk Maxwell had scientism in mind when he warned in 1870 that the most severe test of the scientific mind is to perceive the limits of scientific method." | SLJ | En | 19 | 2000-06. | An accompanying letter states the text had been prepared on request of Dr. Luciano Benassi / Via Barbieri 4 / 41100 Modena Italy. The text remained unpublished. The same theme (from a different point of view) is present in: Maybe Alone in the Universe, after All. The whole issue of October 1994 of Scientific America is included. | 2004-01\r / 2006\old_pc\r / 2006\r / flo365 / 2008\r / backup20060423\r / essays / | sciamer.pnd / | ||
50 | Crisis in the Church and Theology in Crisis | Pedophily problems, and theological problems afflict the contemporary Church. " was also a crisis in catechetical instruction, a crisis in the resolve to impose, yes to impose, on the chidren the faith of our fathers. This does not mean rudeness, but it surely implies fortitude, one of the four cardinal virtues, which would stand well even some cardinals, let alone great many of us, priests, and last but not least, Christian parents. As things develop, vast doses of that fortitude would be required, while lovey-dovey virtues may be be discarded with no hesitation at all." | SLJ | En | 7 | All the three copies present have handwritten modifications. The electronic text should be double checked to see whta is included and what not. | flo378 / 2008\r / myths / | crischth / | ||||
51 | Rövidlátás hiúzszemmel Arisztotelész egy szövegével kapcsolatban | 14-Jul-2005 | Hungarian translation of “Myopia with Lynx-Eyes about a Text of Aristotle.” | SLJ (?) | Hu | 16 | 2003-15 | Notes present in the original article are missing from the translation. | flo140 / | hiuzszem.doc / | ||
52 | Why believe in the Church? | 26-apr-2003 | Norfolk, Virginia | Conference. Contents similar to the booklet of the same title published in 2002. "Lord where else shall we go. You alone have words of everlasting life." | SLJ | En | 13 | 2002-03 | The electronic version has 6 further pages that are not contained in the printout. They seem to be a text related with the argument, but non used for the speech. They may have been originally written for Chapter 1 of the 2002 booklet. | flo320 / 2008\r / | chnrflk / | |
53 | Science and the Incarnate God | 29-apr-1982 | Chapel of Georgetown College (KY) | Hatfield Lecture | Christian origins of science, Buridan, etc. | SLJ | En | 14 | The printout is one of the copies made for local circulation inside the Georgetown College. References are made at the end to Science and Creation, The Road of Science and the Ways to God, and to Cosmos and Creator. The electronic version is essentially the same, but has a slightly different format. | flo323 / | scingod / | |
54 | Una storia semi-scientifica dalla rivista Scientific American | Italian version of text n. 049 (TITLE - A half-scientific story by Scientific American) | It | 12 | This text was very likely prepared for publication in Italy, a publication which never happened. | |||||||
55 | Receding Hairline | 00-Aaa-1991 | Two handwritten pages for a text that was never completed. "Much, of course, can be said in praise of tolerance". It seem to be about intolerance toward Christians. | SLJ | En | 2 | Some cuttings from newspapers are included (all dated around November 1991) | |||||
56 | Battle of Categories | One single page with ideas for a booklet or for a talk. | SLJ | En (+ a couple of words in Hu) | 1 | Some of the battling categories are: open-minded close-minded / interacting non-interacting / innovative old-fashioned / liberal conservative | ||||||
57 | re: the publication of Father Jaki's book Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem and hid forthcoming series of lectures in France. | 00-Nov-1984 | After the publication of Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem, SLJ will gives a series of lectures in France. Comments are made about the book on Duhem, and about other books and prizes given to Fr. Jaki. | SLJ | En | 2 | 1984-01 | Self-promoting article, very likely sent to some newspaper. Gives an idea of what he was doing at the end of 1984. | ||||
58 | Naive Cosmologies (from Cosmos to Creation) | 00-Aaa-1981 | About the absurdity of cosmologies predicating the infinity of the Universe. | SLJ | En | 5 | Included with the typewritten text are 5 handwritten pages with some layout for the text itself. Mention is done to the second centenary of the publication of Kant's Critique (1781). Also it is stated that "in less than two decades the twentieth century will become a past." | |||||
59 | Address delivered at the Graduation of the Class of 1989, St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA | 00-Aaa-1989 | St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA | About true and false Revolution. Science is not to become an idol. | SLJ | En | 7 | 1990-03 | Not really unpublished. It turns out to be chapter 10 in Catholic Essays. | flo323 / | vincent / | |
60 | About the Secular Humanist Declaration on Science, Technology, and Evolution | 23-nov-1985 | University of Detroit | Talk somewhat sponsored by Intercollegiate Studies Institute | Severe critique of the declaration in the title. | SLJ | En | 17 | Some preparatory material included. The last two pages (16 and 17) handwritten. | |||
61 | Order and society: Open or specific? The relation of order in nature to order in society | 23-apr-1982 | Georgetown University, Washington DC | The Open Society: A reconsideration - A Seminar at Georgetown University | Reconsideration of Burke's statement "the laws of business are the laws of nature which in turn are the laws of God", in the light of the history of physics (and of philosophy) in XIX and XX century. | SLJ | En | 26 | 1986-06 | Not really unpublished. It actually became “Order in Nature and Society: Open or Specific.” In: G.W. Carey (ed.). Order, Freedom and the Polity (Critical Essays on the Open Society). (Lanham, MD/London: University Press of America; Bryn Mawr, PA: The Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 1986); pp. 91-111. A few handwritten and typewritten letters by Fr. J.V. Schall are included, as well as details about the seminary. | ||
62 | La difesa della vita, naturale e soprannaturale. | 11-nov-2000 | Lecce (Italy) | A conference for the "Progetto Osservatorio", sponsored by Alleanza Cattolica | Italian translation of “Life’s Defense: Natural and Supernatural.” Some variations over the English text as per direction of Fr. Jaki, for the sake of the Italian audience. Father Jaki spoke in Italian, reading the translation. | Antonio Colombo | It | 12 | 1994-08 - 2012-03 | The Italian text, together with the other collected in 2007-06 (The Ethical Foundations of Bioethics), appeared in Italian in a new translation (from the original text contained in 1994-08) in 2012-03 (I fondamenti etici della bioetica.) | essays / | lecce.doc / lecce.b |
63 | A tudomány bibliai alapjai | 00-Aaa-1997 | Biblical foundation of science. | SLJ | Hu | 9 | The text is taken from a Hungarian publication (pages 35 to 43), but there is no indication whatsoever about it. Positively the title is not in the publication list. An Internet search gives: Cím: A tudomány bibliai alapjai Dokumentumtípus: Cikk Szerzo: Jaki, Stanley L. (egyetemi tanár) (1924-2009) Megjelenés éve: 1997 Oldalszám: p. 44-53. Földrajzi név - tárgyi melléktétel: Győr# 3007-2: Communio. 005. 4. (1997. ) The only difference with this reference is in the page numbering, which is 35 to 43. To be added to the publication list. | |||||
64 | Papi notlenség (cölibátus) | About priestly celibacy | SLJ | Hu | 15 | 1997-01 | Hungarian original of "Priestly Celibacy", Chapter 16 of Uncodified Conspiracy and Other Essays | 2009\r2007\extra / 2009\r2888\extra / 2009\r2888\extra\docs / | cölibátus.doc / | |||
65 | Is there a Universe? | A speech, content is the same as the book with the same title. | SLJ | En | 13 | 1994-01 | 11 handwritten pages included, in preparation for the electronic text. | |||||
66 | Big Bang and Genesis 1: An Alternative? | 5-apr-1994 | Lecture on the origin of the Universe and Genesis 1 | SLJ | En | 16 | A second printout (also 16 pages) with handwritten modifications is included. The electronic text includes them. A note tels that the electronic text is based on the file RCKHRST (not available in the backup files). | 2004-01\r\lctrs / 2006\old_pc\r\lctrs / 2006\r\lctrs / 2008\r\lctrs / backup20060423\r\lctrs / | bgbggn1 / | |||
67 | Mit fognak szólni ehhez a darwinisták? | 1996 or 1997 | Hungarian version of the article “What Would the Darwinists Say?” The Wanderer (28 November 1996) | SLJ | En | 6 | 1996-14 | At the end of the article, a mention is done of 1996-19. “Még sok a megoldatlan kérdés a fejlödéstanban.” Magyar Nemzet (5 November 1996) | ||||
68 | [no title] | 00-Aaa-1958 | It is a comment to a papal allocution: ALLOCUTIO SANCTISSIMI DOMINI NOSTRI PII PP. XII MODERATORIBUS GENERALIBUS RELIGIOSORUM ORDINUM AC SODALITATUM IN URBE EXSTANTIBUS* Die XI m. Februarii, A.D. MCMLVIII (see the Vatican site for the original Latin text, no other versions are available there). | SLJ | Hu | 4 | Parts of the Pope's speech are quoted in the original Latin. | |||||
69 | Cristos, los Catholicos y el Aborto | 30-Oct-1991 | Madrid | Text of a speech based on Christ, Catholics and Abortion. | SLJ | Sp | 13 | 1985-04 | ||||
70 | Cristo y la Ciencia | 29-oct-1991 | Madrid | Text of a speech based on Christ and Science. | SLJ | Sp | 23 | 1992-13 | ||||
71 | La Cristologia y el Nacimiento de la Ciencia Moderna | 31-Oct-1991 | Pamplona | Text of a speech based on “Christology and the Birth of Science.” | SLJ | Sp | 15 | 1990-12 | ||||
72 | Ginecology and Mariology | 00-Aaa-2007 | Handwritten draft of an article or booklet. It starts saying that a couple of obstacles are found by non-catholics on their way to the CHurch. One is papal infallibility, the other is the devotion of Catholics to the Mother of God. | SLJ | En | 3 | Accompanying documents, including an article from the Daily Telegraph, 03-Dec-1997, an email dated 30-Dec-2007 and a printout from the Internet, dated 21-Jan-2008 | |||||
73 | Hasard ou Realité: Interactions dans la Nature et Mesures en Physique | French translation of “Chance or Reality: Interaction in Nature versus Measurement in Physics.” | Anne Williams (?) | Fr | 27 | 1981-03 | The original talk (in English) was given at the Fifth International Humanistic Symposium, held in Portaria/Pelion, Greece. A xerox of a couple of handwritten pages (with corrections to the text) are included. | |||||
74 | Aspects théologiques de la science creatrice | French translation of: “Theological Aspects of Creative Science.” | Anne Williams | Fr | 28 | 1976-02 | A copy of the original article is included. Three copies of the translation are included, with all the accents added manually. Translated pages are marked "asw" (Anne S. Williams). The printout of two letters to Maurice Solovin is included. | |||||
75 | Apologetics in an Age of Science | 00-Aaa-2009 | Outlines for a future book that was not written (SLJ died on 07-Apr-2009). The Fourth cover pages states: Apologetics was a highly regarded subject among Catholics two or three generations ago. Then some decided that apologetics should be recast in order to be effective. Is is doubted that the "new" apologetics, heavy on the subjective side, had convinced many of the antagonists of Catholicism. It is claimed in this book that apologetics must have for its principal task not the confounding of the non-believer but the strengthening in their intellectual confidence of those who believe. Believers often fail to note that they live in a world whose perspectives is steeped in misconceptions about science they all too often tacitly accept. It is trumpeted into their ears that the earth is not unique, than humans on earth are not specials, and that they are in no need of salvation. They are made to believe that all religions are equally good, that there is nothing really special in biblical religion, and that the New Testament is not really novel. They often fail to take measure of the world in which they really live, and, last but not least, are uncertain as how to confront their antagonists. If only they would note that not so much those antagonists are to be discomfited, but rather they are the ones who must have their intellectual spine re-injected with a goodly dose of self-confidence. | Only the fourth cover page and the table of contents are present. Contents: 1 Is the earth unique? * modified as: 1 An earth or an earth-moon system? 2 Are humans specials? * modified as: 2 One conscience or many? 3 Are men to be saved? * modified as: 3 What about evolution? * modified as: 3 Varieties of science 4 Are all religions equally good? * modified as: 4 Evolutions as science and ideology * the above is the title of the speech Father Jaki gave at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in November 2008. It is due to appear as Chapter 9 in the Collection of essays "Lectures in the Vatican Gardens". 5 Is biblical religion unique? * modified as (yes the modification is equal to the original): 5 Is biblical religion unique? 6 Is the New Testament really novel? * modified as (probably left not completed, since it is equal to the original): 6 Is the New T 7 Culture without Cult? 8 How to deal with our antagonists? * modified as: 8 Who are on the defensive? | ||||||||
76 | Hit, ész és tudomány | 00-Aaa-2001 | Hungarian translation of “Faith, Reason and Science.” | SLJ | Hu | 6 | 2000-16 | Printed in Communio (Budapest) year IX n. 3 (2001). To be added to the publication list. No page numbering available. | ||||
77 | [no title] labeled as: Greek Physics | Named people are: Bacon, Einstein, Hipparcus, Hesiod, Thale, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, etc. | SLJ | Hu | 19 | Very old, it could go back to the fifties or the sixties | ||||||
78 | Newman's Search for the Church | 00-Apr-2002 | St. Mary's Priory, New Haven | Text of a conference on Newman's conversion. A parallel is drawn with Catherina of Siena. | SLJ | En | 14 | To be included in a collection of essays about Newman "Newman, Myths and Facts" (chapter 5) | flo378 / myths / | nwsrchyl.e / nwmy06yl / | ||
79 | The Future of Culture | 23-Dec-1995 | Culture then can be anchored in true Cult and have the promise of future. | SLJ | En | 15 | flo041 / 2004-01\r\5thser / 2006\old_pc\r\5thser / 2006\r\5thser / 2008\r\5thser / backup20060423\r\5thser / | futcult / futcult2 / | ||||
80 | Catholicism: Patterns and Principles | Belief in principles will not be revitalized except through a return to belief in creation, properly so-called. "Stat crux dum volvitur orbs". | SLJ | En | 11 | 1993-09 | Originally should have gone into the never published "More Catholic Essays". A lot of related newspaper cuttings are included as well as two pages of handwritten notes. | 2004-01\r\mcathl / 2004-08\catho96 / 2006\old_pc\r\mcathl / 2006\r\mcathl / flo491 / flo518 / backup20060423\r\mcathl / | cthptrpr / | |||
81 | A Tudomány Megváltója. | 23-apr-2000 | Revised Hungarian translation of the Savior of Science. | K. Scholtz. SLJ | Hu | xiii + 233 | 1990-06. A Tudomány Megváltója. (Budapest: Ecclesia, 1990); 278pp. Hungarian translation by K. Scholtz of 1988-01. | Never published. The idea was that of a new version for the Jubilee year. Included excerpts from Plato's Phaedo in English. | ||||
82 | The Courage of His Intellect: Reflections on the Works of Stanley L. Jaki. | 00-Aaa-1994 | Festschrift for the 70 years of Fr. Jaki | Contributions from Peter Hodgson (The Mission of Stanley L. Jaki, 15 pp.), Roger Jacquel (letters on the subject), Mariano Artigas (Sceince and Christianity: The Intelligibility of Nature, 10 pp.), André Charru (Au révérend Stanley Jaki en hommage et en temoihnage de bien cordiale amitié 4 pp.), Julio A.Gonzalo (A Fearless Champion of the Creator in These Our Confuse Times 7 pp.), Paul Chavasse (John Henry Cardinal Newman and the writings of Stanley L. Jaki, 9 pp.), Anne Barbeau Gardiner (A Pen for the Logos, 8 pp.), Jacques Vauthier (untitled, 7 pp.), Gerhard Niemeyer (The Blessed Work of Stanley L. Jaki, 8 pp.), Paul Haffner (Stanley Jaki's Understanding of the Doctrine of Creation 14 pp.), Bernard Beaty (The Universe of Stanley L. Jaki, 10 pp.), Richard W. Gilsdorf (Stanley L. Jaki, Priest and Scientist 11 pp), James V. Schall (On Politics and Physics: Stanley Jaki on Science in Islam, 10 pp.), A list of "invited" people is included, and also a few letters from some of them, explaining why they could not accept the invitation. | Several, see above. | En | about 150 | The book was never published. | flo324 | FSTARTG FSTBEAT FSTCHVS FSTGLFR FSTGNZ FSTGRDR FSTHDGSJ FSTHFN FSTHODG FSTNMR FSTSCHL FSTVTHR JKFSTSCH | ||
83 | Kérdések a tudományról és a vallásról | 10-nov-2005 | Hungarian translation of Questions on Science and Religion | 147 | 2004-02 | Not all chapters are available in electronic format (chapters 5,6,7,8 are missing). Chapter 1 is missing from the printout, but present in electronic format. | flo117 | kérd1-2.doc kérd11-12.doc KÉRD3-4.doc KÉRD9-10.doc | ||||
84 | Obituary of Alistair Cameron Crombie | 09-May-1996 | Rome, Pontifical Academy of Sciences | Commemoration of a deceased member of the Pontifical Academy | SLJ | En | 3 | It should be put in the publication list, after checking the Acts of the Meeting of 1996 of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. 12-13 December 1996 Workshop Democracy, if available. | flo247 | crombie | ||
85 | Science and Creation | A talk on the subject | SLJ | En | 4 | Probably printed where the talk was delivered (it is not a computer printout). | ||||||
86 | Intellectual Obligations of Believers in Reference to Evolution | 27-nov-2006 | English original of “Doveri intellettuali dei credenti riguardo all’evoluzione.” | SLJ | En | 9 | 2007-11 | 2009\rvajo / flo357 / 2008\r / 2008\r2 / 2009\r2007 / 2009\r2888 / essays / | intoblev / intoblev.dat / intoblev.doc / | |||
87 | Faith, Myth, and Theory (The Demythologization of Science) | 31-Jul-1967 | Star Island, NH | Fourteenth Summer Conference of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science | Science is limited to the quantitative correlations of things. Onve this limitation is ignored, science become a myth and a most dangerous one. | SLJ | En | 13 | 1988-18. | Not really unpublished. The original title has been changed in: “The Demythologization of Science.” and the work appeared with the new title in 1988-02. The Absolute Beneath the Relative and Other Essays. | 2004-08\abr1 / 2004-08\abr2 / 2006\r\1stsr / flo056 / flo142\abr1 / flo142\abr2 / flo295 / flo296 / dischetti / | abr13.doc / |
88 | El Descanso Sabatico del Creador de Todo | 17-Sep-1996 | Spanish translation of “The Sabbath-Rest of the Maker of All.” | UNK | Sp | 16 | 1995-10 | flo211 / 2004-01\r\txtspnsh / 2006\old_pc\r\txtspnsh / 2006\r\txtspnsh / 2008\r\txtspnsh / backup20060423\r\txtspnsh / | gen1span / | |||
89 | The Milky Way in the Universe: Some Lessons of History | 10-Jan-1973 | University of Uppsala | How the Milky Way was perceived during history. Moral: the extreme importance of philosophical presuppositions in scientific and especially in cosmological work. | SLJ | En | 14 | Handwritten corrections. Some announce about the talk included. During the same visit, the talk on Physics or Physicalism: A Cultural Dilemma was given on 11-Jan-1973. | ||||
90 | Evoluzione per i credenti (possible alternative title: Evoluzione per chi crede) | Italian translation of Evolution for Believers. | UNK | It | 18 | 2003-13 | Translation is probably not complete, but most of the text is translated. | |||||
91 | Giordano Bruno's place in science | 13-mar-2003 | This essay has a different title, but is very similar to “Giordano Bruno”s Place in the History of Science.” | SLJ | En | 27 | 2003-23 | It could be considered a preparation for 2003-23. | flo153 / 2006\r\6th / flo294 / numbers / | 14brno / 14brno.html / | ||
92 | Convergence? | 30-Jan-1995 | There is convergence between Science and Religion? | SLJ | En | 17 | It is a Chapter in a book called "Science and Religion", perhaps it was to become later "Questions on Science and Religion". The "scrl" directory contains all other chapters of the book, not printed out here. | 2004-01\r\scrl / 2006\old_pc\r\scrl / 2006\r\scrl / 2008\r\scrl / backup20060423\r\scrl / | cnvg / | |||
93 | De la cosmologie scientifique à l'univers crée | French translation of “From Scientific Cosmology to a Created Universe.” | UNK | Fr | 19 | 1982-04 | ||||||
94 | Universo e Credo | 08-Dec-1993 | Italian translation of Universe and Creed. | UNK | It | 55 | 1992-03 | The translation has been reviewed (in 2010) by Antonio Colombo, and a publication is planned by the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum in Rome. No fixed deadline. | 2004-01\r / 2006\r / flo004 / flo503 / backup20060423\r / roccia / unicredo / flo266 / | / / unvcrd2.doc / / | ||
95 | Radon, Thoron, and Their Decay Products Above and Within The Earth's Surface | 00-Aaa-1958 | New York | Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Physics at Fordham University | To determine more closely the relative amounts of radon and thoron in the lowest part of the atmosphere and in the soil gas itself, and to study the influence of meteorological conditions. "It was found that the concentration of radon and thoron in the vicinity of the earth's surface depends principally on the dryness of the ground." "The concentration of thoron below the ground seems to reach a maximum value at a depth of about 75 cm, whereas the concentration of radon increases linearly qithin the range investigated. The concentration of radon and thoron is greater on humus than in sandy or clayish soil." | SLJ | En | v + 55 | 1958-01 | It is the author's pleasant duty to express his deep gratitude to Professor V. F. Hess for his kind interest and helpful direction in the course of this work. | ||
96 | On Reasoned Faith as the Common Foundation of Both Science and Theology | 18-Jul-1966 | Princeton | Science and Theology Seminar, National Campus Ministry Association | Science ... needs the faith of its founders, faith that helped man's reason to look beyond the confusion and perplexity of daily experience and cling with confidence to the vision of an absolute, ever-lasting order of things, events, and destinies. That certainty can be proved by experimental and inductive methods only to a certain degree. To take full possession of that redeeming certainty, the scientist has also to believe. His predicament is therefore no different from the predicament of the man of religion. Neither of them can possess absolute certainty, they can merely gaze at it in and through faith. | SLJ | En | 25 | In the notes, a reference is made to The Relevance of Physics that was printed that same year. | |||
97 | E su questa pietra: La Testimonianza di una Terra e di due Alleanze | 23-Oct-1990 | Italian translation of And on This Rock: The Witness of One Land and Two Covenants | UNK | It | 128 | 1978-04 | The paper printout is just the one of a small part of the book. The complete book is available in the electronic form in the files of flo503. flo504 has the same texts, with a different name. The number of pages is the one of the English original. The Italian translation will very likely need more pages than that, including illustrations, and having in mind that Italian usually requires more characters than English, for the same contents. | flo503 / flo504 | esuqp1 / esuqp2 / esuqp3 / esuqp4 / esuqp5 / esuqpill / + some more | ||
98 | Why Pray the Rosary? | 12-Aug-2003 | Washington, DC - Newman Bookshop | Presentation of the book Twenty Mysteries. Details on how it began as Fifteen Mysteries. The text contains also a general introduction to prayer. | SLJ | En | 17 | 2003-05 2002-05 | 2008\r / | rosrcic2 / | ||
99 | To Be or Not To Be a Priest? | 00-Aaa-1985 | About priestly celibacy, starting from an article of The New York Times (by Anthony Depalma, titled "NOT TO BE A PRIEST). This article appeared later, in a different form as: “Man of One Wife or Celibacy.” | SLJ | En | 16 | 1986-07 | A cutting of the quoted article in the NYT (24-Feb-1985) is included. The text in electronic form is the one of 1986-07, not of the previous typewritten text present in this folder. Included in the folder is also some correspondence with Homiletic and Pastoral Review, for the publication of 1986-07, as well as a printout of 1986-07 itself. | flo323 / | celib / | ||
100 | Physicists and the History of Physics | 29-mar-1968 | Washington, DC, The Cathlic University of America | Colloquia, Graduate Consortium in Physics | Starting from the Dyson paradox (short form: "It is much easier to understand the finished product than to examine critically the steps by which it came into being"), the history of physics is examined. "The paradox demands for its solution minds that prize above all the unconditional respect for facts." | SLJ | En | 19 | There is also a further page containing the CV of Fr. Jaki up to 1968. "Main interest: the limits of quantitative methods". Some details about the conference are also included and some handwritten notes and corrections. | |||
101 | Introduction to a selection from Pierre Duhem's Études sur Léonard de Vinci. | 00-Aaa-1993 | Presentation of the selected texts, with considerations about Galileo and Duhem. | SLJ / Anne Williams (?) | En Fr | 7 (En) - 12 (Fr) | The books seems never to have been printed. The Publisher was Editions du Rocher, Suresne. Several letters are included. Both the English original and the French translation are present. | |||||
102 | Hail Mary: A Legal Dilemma | 12-Sep-2005 | Naples, FL, Ave Maria Law School | The question or the dilemma is then how moral integrity can be implanted in men or women. It cannot be legislated or enforced by law. "The saying that America needs only a few good marines is even more true of the Catholic scene. There is a good reason to keep up the practice of throwing well the so-called Hail Mary passes, whether in moments of desperation or in times of relative prosperity." | SLJ | En | 15 | Will be published in Uncodified Conspiracy and Other Essays. | flo544 / flo534 / 2008\r / 2009\r2007 / 2009\r2888 / uncod / uncod.bck / uncod_old / | uc07hmld / uc13hmld / | ||
103 | Universum und Glaube | 07-Jun-1994 | German translation of Universe and Creed. The Père Marquette Lecture in Theology 1992. | Patricia Meyer Schramm | Ge | 57 | 1992-03 | flo047 | uncrdgrm | |||
104 | Moral Science and Moral Values: Some Lessons in the history of Science | 19-nov-1973 | Imperial Hotel, Tokio, Japan | The Second International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences | History [of science] showed that language has to yield to stupefying silence if man is defined a machine, crude or sophisticated, and nothing else. That history showed that is it sheer naiveté to expect the Utopia in which all men will naturally be good. That history showed that deadly inventions will not be destroyed in the blueprint stage. Should then we yield to the dictaroship of classified research, or to the willfulness of Macchiavellis[sic!]? The only alternative seems to lie in the willingness to keep in mind and to cultivate the difference between the finest of tools, modern science, and the finest of goals, man in his moral dimension. This is all more urgent in our time. | SLJ | En | 8 | John Eccles was one of the participants. Of all things, the Conference was organized by the International Cultural Foundation, an organization founded by Sun Myung Moon. | |||
105 | Foreword to the reprint of "Thomas More" by Raymond Wilson Chambers (Publisher: Thomas More Press) | 13-nov-1992 | The profile of More's Catholic holiness stands out all the more surprisingly as it is outlined against a richly drawn cultural, politica, and intellectual background which is truly catholic... | SLJ | En | 9 | The book was never published by Thomas More Press. More printouts are available, the last one dated January 6, 1995, shows that it could have been published by Real View Books instead. That also did not happen. | |||||
106 | Some Aspects of the Relation between Science and Religion | 10-nov-1965 | Princeton University | Under auspices of The Westminster Foundation | Conclusion with a quote from the Nobel laureate physicist, Sir William Braggs: "Science and religion are opposed in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hand are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped." | SLJ | En | 10 | ||||
107 | Six Days or One Big Bang? Creation in the Bible and in Science | 15-Sep-1999 | University of Utah, Salt Lake City | 1999-2000 Sterling M. McMurrin Lecture on Religion and Culture | SLJ | En | The text of the conference is not included, only all the paperwork for preparing it. The electronic texts listed contain something on the same subject, but do not seem to constitute a complete text, only an outline, or a preparatory text. | 2004-01\r / 2006\old_pc\r / 2006\r / 2008\r / | mssmlctr / jakimtr / | |||
108 | The Evidence of Mind (previous title was: From Shadows to Vividness) | 18-Oct-2008 | There was only one, the Master from Nazareth, who was able to generate a large and consistent intellectual current about what count most, among these the status of the human soul. Purely rational arguments by Christians about it are manifold, but they do not form the real bedrock of that current. That bedrock is of better make than conceptual constructs. The latter are volatile, the other is rock solid. It has proved its solidity by stretching over two thousand ever more confused and ever more confusing years. These witnessed especially in recent decades many vain efforts to define the human being and its dignity at a systematic disregard of the personal immortality of the mind or soul. The principal failure of those efforts lies in the insensitivity of their promoters to the monumentally factual current which the Master of Nazareth, and He alone, generated—”a current which from its start has shined with an incomparable vividness. | SLJ | En | 11 | Only one handwritten pages is available. The 11 pages mentioned above are available only as an electronic text. | flo517 / flo535 / 2008\r / essays / 2009\r2007 / 2009\r2888 / 2009\r2662 / | mndtries / mndtries.dat / mndtries.doc / | |||
109 | Physics and the Universe: From the Sumerians to the XXth Century | 26-Oct-1990 | Madrid | Fisica y Religion en perspectiva Simposio [proper Spanish accents to be inserted] | About that universe no physics, Newtonian or modern, provided deeper insight than the one offered by theology. If we turn to John Henry Newman in this centenary of his death for such an insight, we will not be disappointed. In his The Idea of a University he wrote: There is but one thought greater than that of the universe, and that is the thought of its Maker." And if we turn to that theologian, Thomas Aquinas, whose timeliness depends even less on anniversaries, we can hear the same praise of the universe in terms even more startling: "God himself could not have created something greater than the universe." Only such an exalted view of the universe can keep physics in a safely exalted position." | SLJ | En | 20 | flo082 / 2004-01\r\5thser / 2006\old_pc\r\5thser / 2006\r\5thser / backup20060423\r\5thser / 2008\r\5thser / | physuniv.mad / physuniv.mdr / | ||
110 | Marriage Homily: Marianne Hendee and Christopher Paul Matheus | 20-Aug-1966 | Rocky Hill Roman Catholic Church | ... keeping Christ between you and continually bringing Christ to each one of you. | SLJ | En | 3 | |||||
111 | Marriage Homily: Jessica Anna Favis and David John Winker | 08-Aug-1992 | Ormond Beach, FL. St. Brendan Roman Catholic Church | Love is not allowed to take offense... | SLJ | En | 4 | |||||
112 | Marriage Homily: Roberta Smith and Gregory Robert Favis | 31-Aug-1968 | Rocky Hill Roman Catholic Church | What it takes is an identification with Christ; what it takes is an insertion into that Christ who is palying an unique role in today's gathering. | SLJ | En | ||||||
113 | Marriage Homily: Danielle Ann SUllivan and Thomas Charles Diliberti | 01-Oct-1994 | Houston, TX, Saint Vincent de Paul Catholic Church | May the Virgin Mary help you secure [eternal] happiness through all your life, through all your acts of love, through all the fruits of that love, that is your children and your children's children. | SLI | En | 4 | |||||
114 | Marriage Homily: Maria Raunio and Gergely Bogányi | 12-Jun-2001 | Zebegény (Hungary) | English translation of Jákob létrájától a kánai menyegzoig és vissza. "Marriage is a task for the entire span of life. To carry out this task God's grace is required at every moment, at every hour, through each and every year. In each moment of every day there is need of a form of love which is not a slogan, a phrase, a sentiment, but the forbearance of one another, faith placed in one another, and mutual acceptance of any trial. To cope with this one needs that kind of divine help which is called grace. The source of that grace is the sacrament of marriage." | SLJ | En | 7 | 2001-20. | Italian translations from the English text are available (Antonio Colombo and Beniamino Danese) | 2008\r / 2006\r / flo049 / | cana / | |
115 | Marriage Homily: Karina Valencia Llenado and Robert Edward Bielaus | 08-Jun-2002 | Kingston NJ, Chapel of the Miraculous Medal, Saint Joseph Seminary | The source of true love remains
that Jesus who emptied himself and died for us on the cross. He did so in
order to raise so that we may rise with him from our sundry
miseries. SLJ En 3 116 Marriage Homily: Lenora & Joseph 17-Aug-1968 in addition to your sincerity and love you will need God's help." |
SLJ | En | 3 | reused for the marriage of Orsolya and Richard. | ||||
117 | Marriage Homily: Maria Renée Diliberti and Thomas Parker Willingham | 14-Dec-1987 | Birmingham, Alabama, Cathedral of Saint Paul | It will be up to your faith to remember that as long as you wish to serve, help, and love one another, every act, every thought, every word of yours will be for both of you the source of the grace of God. | SLJ | En | 4 |