Texts of Stanley L. Jaki
available online

English  •  Italian  •  Hungarian  •  Spanish  • 

In English:

1972_02  •  Address - Speech of acceptance of the Prix Lecomte de Nouy.

1985_03  •  The Absolute Beneath the Relative: Reflections on Einstein Theories.

1985_07  •  The Physics of Impetus and the Impetus of the Koran.

1986_14  •  Science and Censorship: Hélène Duhem and the Publication of the Système du Monde.

1987_15  •  Science: From the Womb of Religion - Speech of acceptance of the Templeton Prize.

1988_07  •  The Three Faces of Technology: Idol, Nemesis, Marvel.

1989_04  •  Science: Revolutionary or Conservative?

1989_07  •  Meditation on Newman's Grammar of Assent.

1990_09  •  Socrates, or the Baby and the Bathwater.

1990_28  •  Science: Western or What?

1991_11  •  Commencement Address delivered at Christendom College in 1991.

1993_08  •  History as Science and Science in History.

[no ref.]  •  English version of an interview given to Duna TV (Hungary) in 1994.

The video of the interview can be found in the Hungarian section below. The first two of the twenty-five minutes interview do not require the knowledge of the Hungarian language: they show images of Fr. Jaki's youth.

1994_07  •  Liberalism and Theology.

1994_15  •  Authoritatively No-Authority to Ordain Women.

1994_16  •  Two Miracles and a Nobel Prize: The semicentennial anniversary of the death of Alexis Carrel.

1998_17  •  Science and Religion in Identity Crisis.

1999_08  •  Two Lourdes Miracles and a Nobel Laureate: What Really Happened?

2000_15  •  The Catholic Intellectual.

2001_12  •  A Thousand Years from Now.

2001_20  •  From Jacob's ladder to the wedding at Cana and back again.

English text of the homily given in occasion of the marriage of Maria Raunio and Gergely Bogányi, at Zebegény (Hungary), on 23 June 2001.

2004_09  •  Jaki on Gödel Theorem (A Late Awakening to Gödel in Physics).

2006_03  •  On a Discovery of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem.

2014_09  •  Pragmatism then and now: from tacit amorality to public immorality.

Video of the essay (co-authored with Lucía Guerra Menéndez - University of San Pablo-Ceu, Madrid) read at the Metanexus Conference, Madrid, July 14, 2008. Text published in the collection of essays: Uncodified Conspiracy and Other Essays.

2014_12  •  The mind and its now.

Video of the essay read at the Metanexus Conference, Madrid, July 15, 2008. Text published in the collection of essays: Uncodified Conspiracy and Other Essays.

[no ref.]  •  A collection of quotes from various books of Stanley L. Jaki, prepared by James D. Nickel.

The quotes are about: Rise and Philosophy of Modern Science, Biblical Theology, Chinese science, Greek science, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Early Church, Byzantine Empire, Islamic Science, The Middle Ages, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, Newton, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Positivism, Quantum Mechanics, Einstein, Education, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Statistics and Probability, Arithmetic.

In Hungarian:

[no ref.]  •  "... ERRE A SZIKLÁRA..." - Beszélgetés Jáki Szaniszló bencés professzorral.

Duna TV, Budapest, 1994 interview.

2001_20  •  Jákob létrájától a kánai mennyegzőig és vissza.

Elhangzott a zebegényi plébánia templomban Bogányi Gergely és Raunio Maria esküvőjén 2001 június 23.-án.
Text of the homily given in occasion of the marriage of Maria Raunio and Gergely Bogányi, at Zebegény (Hungary), on 23 June 2001.

2002_21  •  Nem-darwini darwinizmus.
Non-Darwinist Darwinism.
Hungarian original of 2003_25.

2002_22  •  Newman és az angyalok.
Newman and the Angels.
Hungarian translation of 1995_09

2004_17  •  Egy megkésett felébredés Gödelre a fizikában.
A Late Awakening to Gödel in Physics.
Hungarian translation by Z. Hetesi of 2004_09.

2005_14  •  A tudomány és a vallás kapcsolatának ábécéje .
Science and Religion: A Primer.
Part of the Hungarian translation of 2004_12.

2006_10  •  Relativitás és vallás.
Relativity and Religion.
Hungarian translation of 2005_15.

In Italian:

1995_17  •  Fede e ragione fra scienza e scientismo.
Faith and Reason between science and scientism - Intervista.

2000_32  •  Giordano Bruno "martire della scienza"?.
Giordano Bruno: a "martyr of science"? - Intervista.

2001_20  •  Dalla scala di Giacobbe alle nozze di Cana e ritorno.

Traduzione italiana, di A. Colombo e B. Danese dell'omelia per il matrimonio di Maria Raunio e Gergely Bogányi, a Zebegény (Ungheria), 23 giugno 2001.

2014_07  •  Stanley Jaki: la disfida dei darwinisti.
Stanley Jaki: la disfida dei darwinisti. - Intervista.

In Spanish:

1991_08  •  Física y religión en perspectiva: Los científicos y la filosofía.
Physics and Religion in Perspective: Scientists and Philosophy - Interview.

Contact: For any remark about this page, please contact Antonio Colombo (azc100 at gmail dot com)