Stanley Jaki – 2007Sites related to Stanley L. Jaki

On this page, you will find a list of sites that are related to Stanley L. Jaki and his works, or that can be of more general interest.


English  •  Italian  •  Spanish  •  Hungarian  •  Latin

In English:

The blog of Thomas Yonan about Stanley Jaki

The site of Stacy A. Trasancos

A blog dedicated to Pierre Duhem and Stanley L. Jaki

A blog about Pierre Duhem

A blog by Magdalen Ross (no longer updated) with several entries regarding Stanley Jaki

John Henry Newman’s works online

Saint Augustine’s works online in English

An essay on the supposed birthplace of Buddha, Lumbini On Trial: The Untold Story by Terence Alan Phelps

In Italian:

Il blog di Angelo Bottone

Il blog della Chesterton Society Italia

Opere di Sant’Agostino online in italiano

In Spanish:

Site de Asociación Española CIENCIA Y CULTURA

In Hungarian:

Jáki Saniszló Company

In Latin:

Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (Catholic prayers)

S. Aurelii Augustini OPERA OMNIA - editio latina (Saint Augustin’s works)

Corpus Thomisticus (Saint Thomas Aquinas' works)

Documenta Catholica Omnia (Huge collection of ecclesiastical texts)

Contact: For any remark about this page, please contact Antonio Colombo (azc100 at gmail dot com)