Image of space from the point of view of the James Webb telescope.

Stanley Jaki International Congress

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
8 AM - 6 PM
Seton Hall University
Bethany Hall, Room A

Seton Hall University’s Departments of Physics and Catholic Studies, Immaculate Seminary School of Theology, Core Curriculum Program, Center for Catholic Studies, and chapter of the  Society of Catholic Scientists, in collaboration with the Stanley Jaki Foundation, are pleased to announce the 2024 Stanley Jaki International Congress.

This conference has been held on April 24, 2024, to mark the centenary of Father Stanley Jaki’s birth on August 17, 1924, and at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. This event follows our successful inaugural 2015 Stanley Jaki International Conference.

All papers and presentations for this event have been subject to double blind peer review by a distinguished group of scholars. The Program Committee invited the submission of scholarly papers in areas such as the relationship between Christian faith and the natural sciences, the relationship of physics, the philosophy of nature, and metaphysics and other interdisciplinary topics related to faith and science.

About Father Stanley Jaki

Image of Father Stanley Jaki in front of a blackboard with diagrams related to physics on the boardFather Stanley L. Jaki, O.S.B., S.T.D., Ph.D. (1924-2009), stands as one of the eminent thinkers of the twentieth century. His contributions to Catholic Intellectual Tradition, particularly in the realm of the interplay between science and faith, have left an indelible mark. He served as a physics professor at Seton Hall University from 1965 to 2009; with doctorates in both theology and physics, he devoted over four decades to the study of the history and philosophy of science. With a prolific output comprising over fifty books and more than three hundred and fifty articles, he held prestigious positions such as the Gifford Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh and the Fremantle Lecturer at Balliol College, Oxford. Father Jaki delivered lectures at esteemed institutions across the United States, Europe and Australia. He held honorary membership in the Pontifical Academy of Science and was a membre correspondant of the Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts of Bordeaux. His accolades include the Lecomte du Noüy Prize for 1970 and the Templeton Prize for 1987.

[The Livestream Event has been available on Microsoft Teams.]

Time______ Presentation Title  Presenter 
08:00 AM Introduction Ines Murzaku, Ph.D

08:05 AM Opening Prayer Rev. Joseph R. Laracy, S.T.D.

08:07 AM Welcome M. Alper Sahiner, Ph.D.

08:09 AM Welcome Rev. Paul M. Haffner, S.T.D.

08:10 AM  Opening Remarks Rev. Gerald J. Buonopane, Ph.D.

08:15 AM  "The Mystery of Creation, Various Ontologies, and Effective Communication" Rev. Brian Humphrey, S.T.L.

08:45 AM  "Conciliatory Christian Humanism and the Confinement of Naturalism" Rev. Zachary Mabee, Ph.D.

09:15 AM  “Jaki and Barbour: Pilgrims on Parallel Paths of the Science
and Religion Journey”
Rev. Joseph R. Laracy, S.T.D.

09:45 AM  "An Examination of Mathematical Realism as it Conforms to and
Contradicts the Work of Stanley Jaki and Plato"
Collin Doyle
Iain Morton
10:15 AM "God is Still There: An Analysis of Werner Heisenberg’s
Reconciliation of Quantum Mechanics with Aristotelian Hylomorphism"
Stacy Trasancos, Ph.D.

10:45 AM "Searching for Truth in Determinism: A Call for Compassion, Mercy,
and Love"
Samantha Mattheiss, Ph.D.

11:15 AM "The Papers of Stanley L. Jaki: An Introduction" Sarah Ponichtera, Ph.D.,
Jacquelyn Deppe
11:45 AM Leave for Chapel  
Noon Mass  
12:30 PM Lunch and Poster Session  Posters presented by
MacKenzie Doerr
Kaylee Coghlan
01:30 PM  "Nineteenth Century American Catholic Approaches to Darwinian
Jeffrey Morrow, Ph.D.
Biff Rocha, Ph.D. 
02:00 PM  "Nature and Scripture: Galileo’s Proposed Biblical Hermeneutic
in the Context of Early Modern Biblical Interpretation"
Jeffrey Morrow, Ph.D.

02:30 PM  "Has Stanley Jaki Underestimated the Byzantine Influence on the Rise
of Science?"
Rev. Paul Haffner, S.T.D. 
[Rev. Robert Nicoletti, MJ]
03:00 PM  "Theology as a Science and the Dialogue with Other Sciences from
a Thomistic Perspective"
Rev. João Paulo Santiago, C.S.J.

03:30 PM  "Pythagorean Argument of the Grand Design" Alexey Burov, Ph.D.
Alexei Tsvelik, Ph.D. 
04.00 PM  "Stanley Jaki: A Life Devoted to the Relationship Between Science
and Faith"
Antonio Colombo, M.S.

04:30 PM  "Evolution, Teleology, and Purpose: Transhumanism and the Natural
and Supernatural Ends of Being"
Braden Molhoek, Ph.D.

05.00 PM  "AI, International Relations, and Catholicism" Rev. Brian K. Muzás, Ph.D.

05:30 PM  "All Things were Made through Him: Some Thoughts about The Teaching
of St. Thomas Aquinas on the Relationship between Matter and God"
Jordan Miller, Ph.D.

06:00 PM  Conclusion Rev. Joseph R. Laracy, S.T.D.

Bethany 201 (Remote, Virtual Presentations)

Time______ Presentation Title Presenter 
02:00 PM  "Chesterton, Undset, and Jaki: Three Catholic Intellectual Giants" Geir Hasnes, M.S. 
02:30 PM  "Can What Cannot be Measured Exactly Happen Exactly?" John Long, Ph.D. 
03:00 PM  "Gödel’s Theorems in Physics Half a Century after Stanley Jaki" Gergely Bognár, M.A.