Stanley Jaki International Congress Program Committee

Gerald Buonopane Rev. Gerald Buonopane, Ph.D.
Minister, Priest Community
Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Seton Hall University

Sulie Chang, Ph.D. Sulie L. Chang, Ph.D.
Professor of Biological Sciences
Director, Institute of NeuroImmune Pharmacology (INIP)
Director, Academy for Nature and Nurture (ANN): Interdisciplinary Approaches to Resilience

Antonio G. Colombo Antonio G. Colombo, M.S.
Secretary, Stanley Jaki Foundation
Computer Engineer (Retired)

Paul Haffner Rev. Paul M. Haffner, S.T.D.
General Conference Chair
President, Stanley Jaki Foundation
Invited Professor, Faculty of Theology
Pontifical Gregorian University and
Adjunct Professor, Department of Catholic Studies
Seton Hall University

Laracy Rev. Joseph R. Laracy, S.T.D.
Conference Program Committee Chair
Treasurer, Stanley Jaki Foundation
Assistant Professor, Department of Systematic Theology and
Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Seton Hall University

Gerald Buonopane Jose L. Lopez, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Physics
Director, Office of Grants and Research Services
Seton Hall University

Gerald Buonopane Ines A. Murzaku, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Religion
Chair of the Department and Director of the Program in Catholic Studies
Seton Hall University

Gerald Buonopane M. Alper Sahiner, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Physics
Seton Hall University

Gerald Buonopane Stacy Trasancos, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Catholic Studies
Seton Hall University

Gloria Aroneo Gloria Aroneo, M.B.A.
Conference Registration Chair
Assistant to the Chair, Department of Catholic Studies 
Seton Hall University